TSW Hard Knox for 10/17/2001 10/17
TSW Hard Knox for 10/28/2001 10/28
TSW Hard Knox for 11/10/2001 11/10

TSW Presents: Hard Knox!

Live November 21st from Freedom Hall in Lousiville Kentucky!


Azaul/Guardian Angel vs. Corpse/Scott Easton

If you really need the reasons behind this match explained, you haven’t been watching the TSW!

TSW Profitt Memorial Championship Match

Sam Bishop vs Donovan Valens©

These two men fought to a tie last week and the two of them now share the distinction of being in the NWC United States Title match. Sam Bishop won a chance at Donovan Valens for his title two weeks past. This week, Valens/Bishop… Round Two!

Raveller vs. Damion Siobhan in a cage filled with fan-brought weapons.

One man wants to be known as the most Hardcore man in the TSW and the NWC. One man has left a long legacy of being one of the most Violent of Hardcore men. Sigurd has decided that these two men will meet in a cage… a cage lined with weapons chosen by the Fans!

"Golden Boy" Jake Summers vs Spencer Sloan

Both former NWC Veterans return to the ring. Sigurd knows that each wants to regain their former glory… One man will stand triumphant in their return, the other will not.

Also on the Card

Christopher Packard vs Jade

Team BillaBong vs. The Brutality Pigs vs. Adam-X and NightHawk

Ripper Longshanks vs. Arroyo Anderson

Plus... Segments from anyone who wants airtime!

RPing Begins... NOW.

RPing Period ends 11/18/2001 at midnight EST.

Strats/Segs due 11/19/2001 at midnight EST.