The dark techno beat to Argyle Park’s “Violent” cranks up as the logo for TSW’s Hard Knox comes across the screen.

## Clouds are gathering above. ##
## Earth is shattering beneath. ##

An Image flashes past of “The Punisher” Joe Farrar standing at ringside.

## Your wielded weapons shed Blood. ##
## And Left a Scar on me! ##

A video clip plays in slow motion displays Corpse winning the 2001 Hurricane Cup.

## VIOLENT!!! ##

An image passes of Azaul nailing an opponent with the “Chicken Swing”.

## VIOLENT!!! ##

Images of Might and Magic, Pete North, and Guardian Angel.

## You make me Violent! ##
## Pain is mixed with love. ##

Images of Scott Easton, The Machine, and Brain Morris.

## Sweat frosts in the eyes ##
## All is vanished in the flood, of your deceptive lies ##

Damien Speed, Sean Laughreah, Raveller.


Damien Newcastle, The Noblemen, Donovan Valens.


Evan Hawthorne, HEEL.

## You make me Violent! ##

A clip shows Ricky Masters tearing apart an opponent with a chair.

## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##
## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##
## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##

A clip catches James Clark defeating Pete North for the TSW Championship.

## VIOLENT! ##

Damien Siobhan pounds an opponent with his staff. James Clark and Ricky Masters stare at one another barely inches apart.

## You make me Violent! ##
## VIOLENT!!! ##

Sigurd Von Glatz seated behind his desk with his feet up smoking a cigar and grinning like a madman.


[As the loud beat and video montage fades away the cameras begin to pan around the nearly packed FirstStar Center. Fans proudly display signs bearing odd slogans such as “I wish I were in Tijuana”, “BVI Fears Artis”, and “Ricky Masters is my Love child!”]

[The cameras continue to pan back and forth amongst the crowd until finally it comes to focus on Schaef and Jimmy behind their announcing booth.]

Jimmy Howard [JH]: Welcome to the TSW! Welcome to HARD KNOX! I’m Jimmy Howard…

Schaef Tolliver [ST]: Of course you are, unless you decided to change your name finally to Nutty McDipshit.

JH: Schaef, can you ever be polite?

ST: No. Why should I try?

JH: I dunno Schaef, maybe for my sanity?

[Schaef shrugs.]

ST: Naah, I don’t care about your sanity.

JH: Thank you Schaef. Tonight Folks! Tonight we have the Finals of the Profitt Memorial Tournament! Tonight, Donovan Valens takes on Damien Siobohan for the rights to that title!

ST: Like anyone cares.

JH: Ricky Masters will take on his first challenge for the TSW Championship in Azaul!

ST: I don’t think anyone cares yet. I know I don’t.

JH: On top of that, Guardian Angel faces off against The Machine, Drifter takes on Damien Speed, and much more!

ST: Word Brother.

JH: What?

ST: Yo.

JH: I don’t even want to know. I just don’t want to know.

ST: Good. I wouldn’t tell you anyway.

JH: Let’s head to the ring to get this show started!

ST: Wait, you mean we aren’t going to cut to some mindless segment in the back to begin with?

JH: Nope.

ST: Doesn’t that break an NWC Tradition?

JH: Do you care?

ST: Not really, no.

JH: Alright then.

Ring announcer Jacob Ottersbach [JO]: Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, weighing in at 233 lbs. He is...Damien...SPEED!!!

[Cue up Rob Zombie's "Feel so Numb", and out walks Damien Speed, to a considerate pop for a newbie. ]

## I feel so bad, I feel so numb, YEAH! ##

[Speed pauses at the top of the ramp and raises his arms in the air, getting a reaction from the crowd. ]

## I feel so GOOD, I feel so NUMB, YEAH! ##

[He walks arrogantly to the bottom of the ramp and rolls into the ring, again signaling to the crowd. ]

JO: And his opponent, from Death Valley, New Mexico. Weighing in at 231 lbs., he is...DRIFTER!!!

# As sure as the sun rises in the east ##
## Another gunman will come seeking my defeat ##

[Kick up Megadeth, and out walks Drifter, to a respectable pop as well. ]

## Will he be as fast as me, are his nerves quiet and still ##
## Will he fall like all the rest ending his days upon boothill ##

[Drifter pauses at the ramp, and looks over the crowd, at the thousands of faces looking at him. He then glimpses towards the ring, and from then on does not remove his eyes fom his opponent. ]

## I'm an outcast riding into town alone ##
## I got wanderlust branded deeper than the bone ##

[Drifter gets to the ring and steps in, and the two opponents stare each other down. ]

JH: They tie up immediately, Drifter overpowering Speed there. Irish whip into the ropes, and a well-placed dropkick hits Speed square in the jaw.

ST: That could loosen a few teeth. Drifter up, so is Speed, who hits a knee to abdomen of Drifter, and connects with some forearms to the face. An Irish whip into the corner, and a running splash by Speed and Drifter slumps down in the corner. Speed nails Drifter with a few well-placed boots to the temple, sending Drifter writhing.

JH: Drifter crawling back up...Speed attempts a DDT, and Drifter with a spinning Northern Lights Suplex out of the corner. An amazing reversal by Drifter gets two, and both men are back to their feet. Speed charges and Drifter hits him with an armdrag takedown, Speed back up and charges again--another armdrag sends Speed down and desperately crawling out under the bottom rope.

ST: Speed's smart, he's taking a small breather.

JH: He's a coward! Drifter running--connects with the baseball slide, and pulls himself out to the apron. Speed is reeling, and Drifter with an Asai moonsault, sending them both to the floor.

ST: The crowd getting into this match between two up-and-comers. Drifter keeping this match at his pace, launching Speed over the railing, getting up close and personal with the fans. He can't do that!!

JH: He can, and he is. Drifter up on the railing--MOONSAULT onto Speed, and the crowd loves it. The ref making his obligitory ten-count, but Drifter doesn't seem to mind. Drifter crawls back over the guardrail, Speed back up--Drifter with a front facelock, SUPLEX over the guardrail onto the cement.

ST: Drifter using some cheap tactics here...

JH: Cheap!?!

ST: Look, he used the ground as an illegal object.

JH: He ju...[sighing] Drifter pulls Speed back up and rolls him back into the ring as the ref makes the count to 7, Drifter following closely. Drifter pulling Speed up--low blow stops Drifter in his tracks, and Speed nails him with a clothesline. Speed goes for a pin, but hardly gets one with that non-chalant cover.

ST: The man is confident in his skills, and has every right to be. Speed working that arm--Drifter easily reaching the ropes. Speed punching him a few times before dragging Drifter to his feet--Drifter with a kick to the gut, BRAINBUSTER. Drifter floats over into the cover.



JH: Speed barely kicking out there. Drifter up--Standing moonsault. Off the ropes...THE DESERT TWISTER CONNECTS! Drifter going for another pinfall.



ST: Speed kicks out AGAIN! What's it going to this man down?

JH: Drifter up, off the ropes--a quick twisting elbow drop keeps Speed grounded. Drifter with a spinning legdrop, using all his arial knowledge to his advantage here.

ST: Drifter has Speed back up, and DEVESTATES him with a backbreaker. Drifter holding him across his knee and applying pressure...Drifter could break Speed's BACK! Drifter finally lets go, before rolling him over. What's he doing here?

JH: Drifter's going for the Cactus Clutch, which is a modified version of a Mexican surfboard. Can he...YES HE DOES! He gets it strapped in. Speed's screaming in pain!

ST: How long can Speed hold out? The ref checking to see if he's going to give up. Drifter--let's go of the hold? He doesn't want to win by submission, he wants to invoke as much pain as possible.

JH: Drifter standing...Speed making his way up. RAKE OF THE EYES by Speed ... kick to the stomach...Speed just KILLED Drifter with a piledriver!

ST: The tides may be turning for Drifter here. Speed slowly making his way up to the top...SHOOTING STAR PRESS CONNECTS!



ST: THR........NO! Drifter kicks out! Speed catching a second wind here...he's going for the reverse DVD. He wants to end this now--Drifter slips out at the top. TUMBLEWEED DDT attempt reversed and Speed slams Drifter to the mat.

JH: Speed is going up top here once again. We'll see if he has what it takes to finish off Drifter. Speed with a HUGE frog splash--DRIFTER MOVED! DRIFTER MOVED!

ST: Speed going to the top too much for his own momentum. Both men are back up--Drifter with the Irish whip. Speed reverses, attempts a crucifix pin--Drifter with a DVD out of NOWHERE! What a great counter! Drifter goes up top...THE CORKSCREW PLANCHA!!! DRIFTER for the cover!!.




JH: And the place comes unglued. Excellent showing by two of the younger, hungry crowd who have recently come to the TSW.

ST: Wait a second here. That wasn’t amazing, there wasn’t anyone for me to root for! It sucked!

JH: It was still a good match.

ST: *PSH!*

Part 2