The dark techno beat to Argyle Park’s “Violent” cranks up as the logo for TSW’s Hard Knox comes across the screen.

## Clouds are gathering above. ##
## Earth is shattering beneath. ##

An Image flashes past of Andrew Daniels standing at ringside.

## Your wielded weapons shed Blood. ##
## And Left a Scar on me! ##

A video clip plays in slow motion displays Corpse winning the 2001 Hurricane Cup.

## VIOLENT!!! ##

An image passes of Azaul nailing an opponent with the “Chicken Swing”.

## VIOLENT!!! ##

Images of Might and Magic, Pete North, and Guardian Angel.

## You make me Violent! ##
## Pain is mixed with love. ##

Images of Scott Easton, The Machine, and Ripper Longshanks.

## Sweat frosts in the eyes ##
## All is vanished in the flood, of your deceptive lies ##

Damien Siobhan, Sean Laughreah, Raveller.


Spencer Sloan, Christopher Packard, Donovan Valens.


Drifter, Arroyo Anderson, Jade.

## You make me Violent! ##

A clip shows Ricky Masters tearing apart an opponent with a chair.

## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##
## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##
## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##

A clip catches James Clark defeating Pete North for the TSW Championship.

## VIOLENT! ##

Damien Siobhan pounds an opponent with his staff. James Clark and Ricky Masters stare at one another barely inches apart.

## You make me Violent! ##
## VIOLENT!!! ##

Sigurd Von Glatz seated behind his desk with his feet up smoking a cigar and grinning like a madman.


[Those images and lyrics fade slowly from our television screens, but instead of us instantly panning to the inside of the PACKED Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis Indiana, we fade… elsewhere…]

[The shot fades in into the backstage area. The TSW cheif of security can be seen and it appears as he is walking around, a limousince, sporting the Oxford University motif is heard pulling up. The security Cheif quickly makes his way to the back door, wondering hat is going on. As the limousine stops, seenn getting out of the limousine is none other then "The Technician" Christopher Packard. Instantly, the security officer does not recognise Packard and begins to question him..]

Security(S): Excuse me sir, but no unauthorised people beyond this point, that is unless you have a Security pass. Do you have a pass? As no pass, means no entry.

[Chris Packard sniggers..]

TCP: Disgraceful, that's what I say.

S: What is sir?

TCP: You telling me what I can and can't do. Never have I been treated like this, and I shall not allow it to happen now.

S: I'm following the rules sir.

TCP: Rules, rules are made for those who seem to never understand the practicalities behind logical reason, not for the likes of Chris Packard!

[The security cheif looks a bit puzzled..]

S: Are you Chris Packard?

TCP: I most certainly am.

S: Well why didn't you say so?

[Chris with another snigger, turning into a sigh..] TCP: Your impertience disturbs me, now if you don't mind I'd like to see what the inside of the TSW locker rooms look like, as if that is to be the place where I am to be from now on, then I think I have the right to address the situation and see what I can change about the state they might be in.

S: The TSW runs on a tight budget. The owner, Sigurd is a tightwad. He won’t possibly expand just to meet your every need.

TCP: Does it have a gentlemans room, with wash basins, places to shower in private, and not have the oggling eyes upon me? Is there a place I can go to meditate, if I need to think about my up coming challenges? Or is it just a cold, dark, damp, dingy place which has very little light and just enough room to swing a cat in?

S: Hm.. I've never been asked that question before.

TCP: You better get used to it then, as Chris Packard expects the best service and will not be satisfied until his needs are met. So you tell that to whomever you have to and when you have located for me a spacious, luxurious locker room then come and find me, until then, I guess I'm going to have to have this one..

[Chris Packard spies a rather large locker room, with a sign over the door which says "Propety of The Ruler.. Keep Out.." Chris Packard snubs the sign and pushes open the door..]

S: You can't do that.. That's..

[The shot slowly fades out as "The Technician" Christopher Packard is seen entering what appears to be the locker room of the TSW Heavyweight Champion, "The Ruler" Ricky Masters..]

S: I'm going to have to get somebody to deal about this, Chris Packard is a theif, he's just broken into the locker room of the Heavyweight Champion and he doesn't seem to care.

[The door to "The Rulers" locker room is then slammed shut and it fades back into the areana..]

[Cut to the inside of the Arena… FWOMP! There go those flashbulbs all across the arena!]



JH: I’m Jimmy Howard…

ST: Damn, and I was hoping you were a leggy blond.

JH: My partner is, as always Schaef Tolliver.

ST: You should be proud of that fact.

JH: Sure. Tonight! Three of the National Wrestling Council’s finest, will meet some of the TSW’s Finest! Azaul meets Peerless Hunter Sabuani!

[Cue up the split screen, Azaul to the left of the screen, no belt in his arms. Sabuani on the right, the NWC World Heavyweight Title in his.]

ST: Yeah, he stands a chance in hell.

JH: Why must you always be so damned cynical?

ST: It’s my charming personality.

[Jimmy sighs and shakes his head as the split screen fades from Azaul and Sabuani, to Corpse and Dez Bradley.]

JH: Bradley! Corpse! J-Crown! Tonight!

ST: Shut! Up! You! Shill!

[One more shifting of the pictures on the split screen and now we see The Unmentionables, Damon Hayes and Ray Pierce holding… Nothing? Beside them is… Might and Magic, AND The Cult of Personality? The hell?]

JH: And we have this gigantic cluster fuck for the NWC Tag Team Titles! I have no clue what is going on…

ST: Neither do I.

JH: And as far as I can tell, neither does anyone else!

[The arena darkens, bringing a hush to the crowd and cutting the TSW announcing team off. After a long moment of anticipation, a loud BOOM comes over the loudspeakers, reverberating throughout the arena. The JumboTron flashes, bright white on a black field...]


[An image of two men walking in shadow flashes quickly across the screen. Before we can identify them, the image flashes again to the white block lettering.]

ST: Who the hell is this?

JH: I think I know!

[A yin-yang comes onto the screen...but instead of the traditional coloring scheme of white and black, it's red and khaki brown. After a moment of silence, three white letters come up in front of the Taoist symbol.]


[The opening guitar riffs of Living Colour's 80's hit "Cult of Personality" rip through the arena, energizing the crowd. The TSW fans get to their feet to alternatively cheer or boo as the voice of Corey Glover, lead singer for Living Colour, bursts through the PA system.]

##Look in my eyes, what do you see? ##
##The Cult of Personality##
##I know your anger, I know your dreams##
##I'm everything you want to be##
##I'm the Cult of Personality##
##Like Mussolini and Kennedy##
##I'm the Cult of Personality, the Cult of Personality, the Cult of Personality##

[Out from behind the curtain walk HIW's reigning Tag Team champions, Ken "The Whirlwind" Richardson and Kristion. Ken is dressed in his red gi with the arms torn out, has his blonde hair worn in a ponytail that hangs to the small of his back. Kristion, ever his enigmatic self, is wearing a pair of BDU's and a leather vest, and the ever-present eyepatch over his left eye. Both waering around their waists the Tag Team Titles from HIW. At their sides are Cammie and Esmerelda, their significant others. The two have another set of titles as well.]

JH: They've got the NWC World Tag Team Titles!

ST: What the hell??

JH: Cult of Personality have the belts that the Unmentionables vacated a mere three days ago! Are they the new champions?

ST: They'd sure as hell better not be! Those belts rightly belong to OUR champs!

[The two men make their way down to ringside. Ken is playing to the crowd, while the Legend-Killer ignores the fans as he approaches the ring.]

##Neon lights, a Nobel Prize##
##The mirror speaks, the reflection lies##
##You don't have to follow me##
##Only you can set me free##

[Kristion slides under the ropes into the ring, while Ken hops onto the apron, then over the ropes. Once inside the ring, though, their differences vanish, and they act as one. The two hop up on opposite turnbuckles, with Ken working the crowd and Kristion staring silently toward the stage. After a moment, they drop off the turnbuckles and meet in the ring, nodding silently to each other. Ken gets a microphone and waits for the crowd to die down, a wide smile on his face.]

[Finally, the crowd dies down enough for Ken to speak. He looks around the arena and raises the mic to his lips, a wide grin on his face.]

Ken Richardson (KR): On behalf of the National Wrestling Council, Tri-State Wrestling, and our own Hawaii Islands Wrestling...WELCOME TO HARD KNOX, BOYS AND GIRLS!!

ST: Hey...we already did that!

KR: Now, I bet a lot of you guys are wondering about these here belts that my erstwhile partner and I hold over our shoulders. I'm of course talking about the NWC Tag Team Titles that Damon Hayes and Ray Pierce snuck away from Hawaii with, thanks to your guys's chump champions, and vacated just before said chump champions were getting their shot.

ST: Chump champions my least our boys have defended their titles since winning them!

JH: Cult of Personality DOES have a title defense on Luau this week, Schaef...

ST: About frickin' time...

[Ken looks over at Kristion, who's leaning in a turnbuckle, and smiles.]

KR: Do you wanna tell 'em, Kris?

[Kristion stands up and walks over to the Whirlwind, taking the microphone from him. He addresses the crowd in his low, even voice]

Kristion: Yesterday, my partner and I had a meeting with the National Wrestling Council Board of Directors. We were presented with an opportunity. Since we are the longest currently-reigning regional Tag Team champions in the National Wrestling Council, and because we lost our World Tag Team Title shot partly because of Might and Magic's machinations, we have been granted a match, here tonight, against Might and Magic, to fill the vacant NWC World Tag Team Titles.

[Cheers erupt through the crowd at this bit of news.]

JH: This is unbelievable! Might and Magic still get their shot at the titles...and they have to go through their biggest rivals to do so!

ST: Not a problem, Howard. Mimic and Mikey'll turn these two boys into swiss cheese.

[Ken takes the mic from Kristion and grins.]

KR: So, boys...all you have to do is have the guts to accept, and it's on. Of course, you can always back off, like I fully expect you to do...and we'll be the new champs. But I'd rather get these nice shiny belts legally, and get a measure of revenge in the process, by kicking your asses all over this arena!

ST: Like that'll happen.

KR: So I'll see you boys later in the show. Have fun quaking in your boots.

[Ken, Kristion, Cammie, and Esmerelda step through the ropes and head back to the locker rooms as the TSW fans go nuts.]

[At this point, we fade to commercial.]

Part 2