The dark techno beat to Argyle Park’s “Violent” cranks up as the logo for TSW’s Hard Knox comes across the screen.

## Clouds are gathering above. ##
## Earth is shattering beneath. ##

An Image flashes past of “The Punisher” Joe Farrar standing at ringside.

## Your wielded weapons shed Blood. ##
## And Left a Scar on me! ##

A video clip plays in slow motion displays Corpse winning the 2001 Hurricane Cup.

## VIOLENT!!! ##

An image passes of Azaul nailing an opponent with the “Chicken Swing”.

## VIOLENT!!! ##

Images of Might and Magic, Pete North, and Guardian Angel.

## You make me Violent! ##
## Pain is mixed with love. ##

Images of Scott Easton, The Machine, and Brain Morris.

## Sweat frosts in the eyes ##
## All is vanished in the flood, of your deceptive lies ##

Damien Speed, Sean Laughreah, Raveller.


Damien Newcastle, The Noblemen, Donovan Valens.


Evan Hawthorne, HEEL.

## You make me Violent! ##

A clip shows Ricky Masters tearing apart an opponent with a chair.

## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##
## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##
## I’ve take what you told me, I’m ready to oblige, Violence can’t be trusted, but who doesn’t lie? ##

A clip catches James Clark defeating Pete North for the TSW Championship.

## VIOLENT! ##

Damien Siobhan pounds an opponent with his staff. James Clark and Ricky Masters stare at one another barely inches apart.

## You make me Violent! ##
## VIOLENT!!! ##

Sigurd Von Glatz seated behind his desk with his feet up smoking a cigar and grinning like a madman.


The video montage fades and we go LIVE to the packed Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. Flash bulbs explode across the arena as TSW’s weekly show, Hard Knox, begins. Schaef Tolliver and Jimmy Howard scream into their headsets in an attempt to make themselves heard.

Jimmy Howard [JH]: Welcome to Tri State Wrestling’s second installment of Hard Knox! I am Jimmy Howard…

Schaef Tolliver [ST]: And more importantly, I am Schaef Tolliver!

Jimmy glares over at Schaef and continues.

JH: What a show we have for you tonight Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight, James Clark will face Ricky Masters in a no holds barred matchup for the Tri State Championship!


JH: Might and Magic will defend their titles against The Noblemen, and round two of the Profitt Memorial Title Tournament!

ST: Why is is called the Profitt Memorial Championship anyhow?

Jimmy shrugs.

JH: For the life of me, I have no clue.

ST: Aaah well, maybe we will find out some day. Then again, who cares!

We fade rapidly to…

Somewhere near one of the back entrances of the Rupp Arena. Backstage interview Devin Mills is hanging out with a cameraman in anticipation of Ryan "Streak" Stephens’ entrance. All of a sudden the door flings open, and Stephens is standing in the entrance way with a duffel bag in hand. His intense eyes seem to evaluate Mills, but only with mild interest. He begins to walk off as the door closes behind him, but then hesitates and turns.

Streak: I suppose you’d like a few words?

Devin Mills [DM]: Actually if you don’t mind, I would.

Streak gives a nod of approval. DM: There were some rumors circulating that you weren’t going to make the transaction from PCW to TSW.

Streak: I am here aren’t I?

He holds up the duffel bag.

Streak: Apparently this Mr. Glatz wants to speak with me and then I gotta go throw all this crap in my new locker.

DM: Well, you were 5-0 in PCW and really had a lot of momentum. How do you feel about starting all over? What are your plans?

Streak: I’d like to think that I’m not starting completely over. This Mr. Glatz guy is surely aware of what I’m capable of. Hopefully he’ll give me a fair shake, but you never know with all the politics and corruption involved in wrestling these days. As far as my plans ago, I’d like to work my way up to TSW’s main event within the next couple of months, but we’ll see how that plays out. Maybe Mr. Glatz will enlighten me as to what he has planned when I go speak to him a little later.

DM: Quite a few solid wrestlers have recently departed from TSW. Parallax, DSJ, Ric hard and most notably Pete North, someone you would probably call a friend. How do you feel about them leaving?

Streak: All four were very solid wrestlers, and for them to leave, I think that hinders the company’s ratings at this point. I think that we have enough good caliber wrestlers to feel the void that they left in due time however. Though I will miss Pete and the competition the other guys provide, I must admit I like the opportunity that has arisen for me. For the first time ever, I really have a chance to rise up and help headline a region, and I intend to do just that Devin. It is Devin right?

DM: Yes.

Streak looks at his watch.

Streak: Well Devin listen, I really must be on my way to Mr. Glatz’s office; however, I much appreciate the professional manner in which you conducted that interview.

DM: Well thank you sir.

Streak: Which way is his office by the way?

Devin points down the hall and we fade… to commercial.

Part 2