Handler Information

Name: Jamie Rice

E-Mail Address: Jamie

AIM: JamieRice

Wrestler Information

Name: "Golden Boy" Jake Summers

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6' 2

Weight: 234 & 15.9 ounces

Hometown: Panama City Beach, Florida

Theme Song: Entrance: "Superstar" by Saliva... Exit: "My Sacrifice" by Creed

Gimmick/Attitude: Jake has the better than thou attitude. Jake has always been privileged throughout his life, having the best of everything. Jake has always been a success in everything he's done, and always bragged about it to anyone whether they would listen or not. He's been a champion on all levels of competition whether in high school in Florida, college at Michigan, or in his various former professional wrestling organizations. Simply stated Jake is an arrogant bastard whose let success go to his head. Not much of a gimmick, but what is these days?

Background: Jake's wrestling beginnings started at Panama City Beach High School, where he progressed into a state champion and high school All-American. Shortly afterwards Jake signed a national intent letter to wrestle for the University of Michigan. However before departing Jake celebrated a little too much, which ended up in nine months of morning sickness and bitchyness from his high school sweetheart Stacey. Over the coming months Jake struggled with whether he wanted to leave Stacy behind with the child without its father or go on to college. Although when it come for the child to be delivered heartache set in as Stacy died during labor. Jake was told by his parents that the child had died as well. However in earlier 2001 he learned otherwise and recently got his son back. A son that was sold into adoption by his parents, who tried to make it seem as if they were looking out of Jake's well being, but otherwise was just trying to hide their own shame. As the story goes Jake's father thought that it would be of bad image for his councilman campaign against teenage pregnancy to have a grandson as result of his son's "extracurricular" activities.

Now lets take a step back before Jake discovered his son. After being told that his son and girlfriend had died, Jake's parents convinced him it best to go on to college in Michigan. Perhaps the time away from Florida would do him justice and get his mind off things. Jake Summers' wrestling prominance continued at Ann Arbor as he went on to become a national champion and college All-American as well. Shortly afterwards Jake was asked to join the United States Olympic team, which "Golden Boy" accepted. Jake went onto to the 1996 Olympics and won a gold medal, however he was never able to receive it. Unfortunately some communist pig from Russia framed Jake with some illegal substance. But you couldn't rightfully blame Jake, she was a D-cup and had an ass you could bounce quarters off of. I guess sometimes women can be the death of you, well in the case it was the death of Jake's gold medal. Upon learning of his usage of the illegal substance the IOC revoked Jake's olympic medal. Afterwards Jake returned to that Ann Arbor and put scholarship to use and recieved a bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Michigan.

For a couple months Jake worked in his father's real estate business in Florida, but soon afterwards a professional wrestling company came to tour Florida. Jake watched a few shows and was hooked. A few weeks later Jake signed a contract to work for Rebels Championship Wrestling Association. Jake bounced around the fed for a few months pissing off nearly everyone in his way. After numerous battles with varies enemies, Jake eventually won his first title belt, the American Championship. Jake's RCWA career lasted a few more months before the organization succumb to bankruptcy and went out of business. Jake moved on to a few other feds, most noteable, Warfare Internet Wrestling, where his popularity didn't improve much. I guess there's not too many people that likes a concieted son of a bitch that backs up his words. Jake continued his success and won the Cruiserweight Title in WIW. Eventually Jake ended up in Hickville, USA aka Kentucky and began working for the Bluegrass State Wrestling which was formerly a member of the National Wrestling Council. Jake won the Prime Time Title (TV equivalent) in BSW. BSW suffered a failed corporate takeover by a fellow wrester, Bryan Taylor, and Jack Cash ended up shutting the organization down soon afterwards.

Summers took a break from wrestling for a while, spending time with his wife and son, Jacob. After a few months out of the game Jake began working for New Millenium Wrestling. He had a few memorable fueds in the organization, but NMW fell victim to bankruptcy. Upon closure of the organization, a friend in the business told Jake of a new organization beginning in Minnesota, which Jake soon began working for. In Minnesota State Wrestling, Jake gained his most noteriety. After a few weeks Jake won the cruiserweight title which he held for almost three months. During that reign MSW gained membership into the National Wrestling Council. Upon getting into the council MSW began to recieve a few national title shots. Jake's success in MSW was reward with a World J-Crown shot. The J-Crown is the equivalent of the world cruiserweight title for the NWC. Jake went through a hellaish evening with The Coterie members, Hunter Sabuani and Devon Fox to end up winning the J-Crown. Eventually Jake lost the title to Tomas Bailey thanks to help from Devon Fox, but got another shot a few months later and won the damn belt again. Well all good things must come to an end and Jake lost the J-Crown once more. Jake continued wrestling in MSW up until the second week of June, 2001 when his contract run out. He's set out four months, during which time he's spent with his new son and enjoy his life. However when wrestling is in your blood it's hard to get it out, therefore Jake's back in the game with Tri-State Wrestling now.

Appearance: Although not a muscle bound freak Jake has a well toned and porportioned body. While he's not overwhelmed with muscle mass, he is of above average in pectorals and admonials well cut along with his biceps, triceps, and calf muscles. Very comparable to a lightweight body builder. Blond locks outline the peircing blue eyes that stare a hole into the souls of his haters.

Ring Attire: Jake's ring attire consists of singlets. They vary from match to match, but mainly consist of the following three combinations: Stars and stripes with gold superman logo on the chest, navy blue with gold trim with the gold superman logo on the chest, and tiger striped with the orange, white, and black with a red superman logo on the chest.

Common Move List:
(1) Spine Buster
(2) Corkscrew Legwhip
(3) Belly-To-Belly Suplex
(4) Running Powerbomb
(5) Full Nelson Facesmash
(6) Reverse Fireman's Carry
(7) Splitleg Moonsault
(8) Brainbuster
(9) Slingshot Suplex
(10) Lou Thez Press
(11) Air Raid Crush
(12) Double Arm DDT
(13) Slingshot Suplex
(14) Greco Roman Throw
(15) Hangman's Neckbreaker

Speciality Moves:
(1) Golden Daze - Somersault Ace Crusher aka Masato Tanaka's Diamond Dust
(2) Millennium Bomb - After placing the opponent on top rope Summers climbs to second rope, grabs them by both arms snapmaring them over his head into an inverted sit down powerbomb.)
(3) The Spotlight - While having the opponent stunned, Jake quickly ascends to the top rope and moonsaults over behind them. In the process catching the opponent's head and delivering a reverse DDT.
(4) Golden Shower - Springboard Somersault DDT

Name: The Road To Glory
Description: Corkscrew Cradle Piledriver

Name: No Easy Way Out
Description(s): Katahijima with body scissors