Handler Info

Name: Brad

E-mail Address: Brad

AIM: rookref

Wrestler Information

Name: "The Advocation" Spencer Sloan

Alignment: Little bit'o everything

Height: 6'

Weight: 244

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Theme Song:

Gimmick: Spencer is everybody's daddy. He is very egotistical, somewhat maniacal at times, and the self-proclaimed voice of the NWC. He knows the ropes, and every trick in the book, and boy is he not afraid to use them. He will he do anything to win, or to get to the top.

Background: Spencer began his wrestling career in the now defunct GWA. This was his first stint in wrestling, and where he began the development of his wrestling self. He then moved on to his first National Wrestling Council gig, in the GSW (Golden State Wrestling). He really made a name form himself here, winning several titles, include the RAGE title, their version of the hardcore title, and holding it for nearly three months. Before that he had held the tag team titles for a month.

Soon afterwards the GSW became the NEWS, and thus they held battle royal to determine the winner, Spencer won the match and became the first Headline champion. He held the title for two months before dropping it. Not long after that, he was hit with a near career ending neck injury, after a botched frankensteiner. He has battled his way back to the ring, after months of intensive rehabilitation, and is looking to fight his way back to the top.

Appearance: Spencer always tries to look his best, no matter what the situation. He's got short blond hair, and a sparkling pair of blue eyes. Earlier in his career, when he had his hair dyed darker, he was a dead-on Ben Affleck look alike. He hated that. He's six-foot tall with shoes on, and a medium build at his wrestling weight, 244 pounds. Spencer's fairly muscular, but not the least bit fat, he has to beat the ladies down with a stick. A great big stick.

Ring Attire: It varies quite a bit, usually a t-shirt sporting a catch-phrase, and full length wrestling tights. His boots match his tights, and lately he's taken to wearing an elbow pad on his left arm, with an american flag design.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
Missile Dropkick
Spike DDT
Impaler DDT
Tornado DDT
Snap Suplex
Inverted Atomic Drop
Russian Legsweep
Chin Breaker
German Suplex w/ Roll Through to Pin
Low Blow

Specialty Moves:
"The One and Only", a spinning samoan drop
"Different Area Codes", a springboard leg drop from the outside apron to the inside
"The Exclamation Point", a brainbuster suplex, that drops the opponent like an 'exclamation point
"Big Daddy DDT", a straight-up DDT off the top rope

"The Headliner", a fisherman's suplex pin
"FYI - Front Yard Innovation", a dragon sleeper with an arm cobra clutched