Handler Info

Name: Justin Sprenkle

E-mail Address: Justin


Wrestler Information

Name: Slick Willy

Alignment: Face

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 230 lbs.

Hometown: Hollywood, CA

Theme Song: Powerman 5000's "Bombshell"

Gimmick: Slick Willy is your simple surfer dude. Nothing complicated, he simply lives his life one day at a time. Not worrying too much about people's reaction to him, he usually ends up getting himself into trouble easily.

Background: Slick Willy's first job in wrestling was in the DWO. Along side some legends, Slick Willy quickly made a name for himself, gaining the Hardcore title within his first three weeks. Slick Willy then went on to have a run as one half of the DWO Tag Team champions, and was on his way to becoming the TV champ before the DWO crumpled beneath his feet.

Eager to find any way back into the business, Slick Willy came across the TSW, and was quick to apply himself.

Appearance: Slick Willy, as stated above, is your typical surfer. He has spiked blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He is usually always seen wearing a random Billabong T-shirt and a pair of board shorts. He has a muscular physic, although small in stature. He's strong for his size, but is also quick and agile.

Ring Attire: Slick Willy comes to the ring in a random surfer shirt and board shorts, and is always decked out in a pair of shades.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1. Slingshot Legdrop
2. Cradle Piledriver
3. Split-Legged Moonsault
4. Dragon Suplex
5. Springboard Cross Body
6. Corkscrew Plancha
7. Diamond Dust
8. The Tazmission
9. Cobra Clutch Russian leg sweep
10. Buff's Blockbuster (Top rope somersault neckbreaker)

Specialty Moves:

Surf's Up! [an Acid Drop/Dudley Dawg]

Arabian Facebuster [Seated legdrop from the top rope with a chair positioned under legs]


The Bombshell Drop [Sleeper hold - Willy then flips over opponent and delivers a modified Ace Crusher]

**The Bombshell Drop can also be varied to drop the opponents neck across the top rope.**