Name: Jeff Stemmler
E-mail Address: Jeff
AIM: JBCrimsonRiot
Wrestler Information
Name: "The Sadist" Damion Siobhan
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 304
Hometown: The Depths of Despair
Theme Song: "The Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot
Gimmick: Siobhan is usually a solitary man. When he is not, he surrounds himself with very very select company. Usually best described as an outcast from society. He is very philosophical, and uses his knowledge well. He knows how to get into his opponents head, without his opponent even realizing it. He has no belief in God or the Devil. He has no belief in religion of any kind, he believes in what is. He follows the natural order of things, and works along with that. His thoughts are deep, and usually very darkly rooted. He speaks fluent German as well as English, his first language. He sometimes speaks in German to riddle or confuse opponents who do not understand the language. Once called a "King of Hardcore" by many, those times have long since passed. But when instinct sets in, even the most technical of matches can become a bloodbath. Rarely leaving his hands is a six foot wooden staff with a fist sized gold skull adorning one end. He carries it with him most everywhere, and doesn't hesitate to use it.
Background: Long known as Jeff Boyardee. The name always caught more attention than the man, and that was the way it was meant. A former member of the infamous Crimson Riot, and the Circle of Dust.
Appearance: White male... He has long dark red dreadlocks, a goatee, and long sideburns carved to look like scythes. His goatee is the same color as his hair and is just normal style covering the chin and upper lip, it hangs about four inches from his chin. Eyes are crimson red. There are three piercings in his right eyebrow, and three across the upper bridge of his nose, between his eyes. Also multiple piercings in the top and bottom of both ears. Both nipples are pierced. A tattoo of barbed wire and razor wire covers most of his left upper bicep and shoulder. Various other tattoos cover other parts of his body, including a red skull surrounding his navel area, and a red dragon covering most of his right arm from the shoulder down. On the back of his neck are the words "Kreis des Staubes". From German to English it translates to "Circle of Dust". His usual facial expression is that of concentration. Not usually showing much emotion at all. Physically he is very impressive, defined, but not overly. His attire consists mainly of black items. Black leather boots, black cargo pants, black t-shirts, full length black leather jackets etc.
Ring Attire: During his entrance he wears either a full length black leather jacket or a black leather vest, and carries his staff. In the ring he wears black leather boots, and black leather pants. His long hair usually hangs free, but sometimes may be tied back.
Top Ten Favorite Moves:
Over the shoulder Hangman Neckbreaker
Gutwrench Powerbomb
Death Valley Driver
Full Nelson Slam
Tiger Suplex
Camel Clutch while gouging the eyes
Argentine Back Breaker Rack Piledriver
Top Rope Flying Shoulder Block
Running Power Slam
Gut Buster
Specialty Moves:
The Visionblur - An Inverted/Reverse DDT
The Demoralizer - An Inverted Facelock Brainbuster Suplex
The Deathbringer - Two Handed Chokeslam/Kneeling Powerbomb.