Welcome to TSW, Tri State Wrestling. This is a completely and utterly booked e-fed, and a member of the National Wrestling Council. The TSW is based primarily in the Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana areas.
Who runs TSW?
TSW is run and owned by Duncan Kendall. Duncan is assisted by the handlers, friends, and staff of the TSW in producing cards and the website.
How do I join the TSW?
To join the TSW you follow the Join link and fill out the application and mail it to Duncan. He will contact you and speak with you about joining the TSW and what it expected from you and what you can expect from him.
Where do I roleplay?
RP’s are done on our message board. In character the Message board is a broadcast channel that transmits to the Tri State area. Cursing is permitted, racism is not.
Where are you shows held?
Our shows are held on a weekly basis. Each show will be held in varying areas. Some will be held in large arenas, others will be held in much smaller arenas. Shows are held on Wednesday and are entitled “Hard Knox”.
Who calls the Shows?
To find information on our staff simply go to the staff link provided here. Staff
Titles? You got any?
Yes, we do have titles. We have four to be exact. Our regional championship is called the Tri State Championship, our secondary title is entitled the Profitt Memorial Title, and our Tertiary title is the Ohio River Title. We also possess a tag team title which is entitled the Triple Crown Tag Title.
We also will upon occasion be receiving National Title Shots at the NWC titles. These are few and far between, and if you are lucky enough to gain a shot at one of those titles, then count yourself lucky.
The TSW is institutionalizing a Roster Cap. We will hold no more than 35 active members, and 6 tag teams at any one time. This is done simply to keep the roster to a managable level, and to make certain that everyone gets a fair shake.
Welcome to the TSW! The TSW is a completely scripted, or booked, e-fed. Scripting, or booking, when done properly, can make for some of the most entertaining and fun wrestling action that can possibly be imagined.
To get started in TSW you need to join. To join you must first fill out the TSW Membership Application with your information.
Roleplaying is the biggest factor in TSW. Period, point blank, and bar none. If you do not roleplay, you do not succeed in the TSW. To roleplay, simply post messages on the TSW Message Board before and after your matches. Roleplaying is BIG in TSW, so be sure to participate. If you have a match, it is expected of you to roleplay for that match. If you do not roleplay, you better have a damned good reason for it. If you have no reason, you lose. Point blank, it is as easy as that, and I don’t think that you joined the TSW just to lose, it's not what you want to do!
For each match, you are expected to send in strats and/or instructions. These strats will encompass how your wrestler will wrestle the match, counter moves, prepare for sneak attacks, etc. Good strats make for better matches, the better the match, the better the card. It is quite simple, the more effort you put into it the more you will get out of it. Length is not the meat of the strat, any fool can write a seven page strat, it is what people put in the strat that matters. Content baby, Content.
TSW will sign any matches that we feel should take place and will do so for the most part. However, we also want the wrestlers themselves to get to pick who they would like to wrestle. Therefore, if you want to request a match, simply e-mail me your request and we'll see what we can do. If you are involved with a feud with someone then expect to be facing them more often than just regular people. This is wrestling people, and wrestling requires continuity.
TSW holds one televised show each week entitled “Hard Knox”. This show takes place in revolving locations and will not be the same place more than two weeks in a row. One Pay-Per-View is held every 10 weeks. Should size of roster, or demand become large enough these may expand, but for now it is doubtful.
Wrestlers and tag teams will be ranked by their record, as well as quality of opposition, and quality of roleplays. These rankings, may or may not be updated weekly. In a perfect world it will be, in reality it probably will be about every other week. The higher ranked contender you are, the greater your chance of receiving a title shot at one of TSW championship titles. Rankings will be based on RP ability, record, titles held, and strength of opponents.
The TSW is a member of the National Wrestling Council. All NWC Interpromotional events will be participated in by members of the TSW. If you are booked to appear, you better appear by god or you will answer to me. That is not a threat, it is instead a statement of intent.
A lot of e-wrestling organizations accept it, some don't. This is wrestling and it is on public, let me state that again, PUBLIC television. Certainly some things will be hit by censors, some will not. Profanity will be allowed in moderation. If I see more profanity than anything else, expect censure and censoring.
TSW reserves the right to suspend or fire anyone at any given time for violating any of the rules, stated above. Also, if you have a problem with how we use your character, come to us in a friendly manner about it. Don't bitch about it, or you will job, plain and simple.
Aside from what's outlined here, you basically can do whatever you want. Just remember, it's only a game, and regardless of who wins or loses, have fun in TSW.
The most important part of any federation is participation. Quite simply what you put into it, you get out of it. If you do not participate, you will not be the top dog. If you consistantly assist with the federation by matches, segments, and things like that, you will be much more likely to succeed than someone who does not.