Handler Info

Name: Ed Dubois

E-mail Address: Ed


Wrestler Information

Name: "The Loose Cannon" Ripper Longshanks (Dylan Dubois)

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 250

Hometown: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Theme Song: "Burning My Soul" by Dream Theatre

Gimmick: Ripper is not a people person to say the least. Once a fan favorite, Ripper learned the hard way that fans can and will easily turn on you when the chips are down. Ripper now has a huge disdain for the fans, and will take every opportunity to berate them or anyone who falls into the genre of a fan favorite. He has no regard for his own personal safety and will go to great lengths to ensure he gets a win. Submitting is not an option, Ripper would rather pass out or risk injury before he concedes defeat.

Background can be found Here

Appearance: Ripper stands 6'3" and weighs 250lbs. He has long black hair that he either wears in a ponytail or down around his shoulders depending on what he is doing at the time. He has dark blue eyes that are devoid of emotion which seem to look through everyone that he speaks to. Whenever he is on the mic or distinctly has the advantage over an opponent during a match, what can only be described as a shark grin comes over his face. Body wise Ripper is well defined but not ripped(no pun intended), which allows him to use his speed and size to his advantage. A tattoo of a pair of hands tearing through flesh is on his abdomen, a pair of dark blue eyes peer from behind the hands. Coincidently the same color as Ripper's.

Ring Attire: When in the ring, Ripper wheres a pair of black full length wrestling pants with the words Loose Cannon written in blood red letters down the side. What appears to be pools of blood are at the bottom of each word. Instead of wrestling boots, Ripper wears well worn combat boots.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
Asai Moonsault
Canadian Backbreaker
Air Sabu
Cobra Clutch Suplex
Slingshot Clothesline
Single Arm DDT
Sidewalk Slam
Russian Legsweep
Over The Shoulder Stomachbreaker

Specialty Moves:
The Descent(top rope inverted DDT)
Straight Jacket(Tazzmission)

Deep End (A belly to back suplex after which Ripper spins around lands on his opponent and locks in a cross face chcken wing. Deep End is set up using either a Russian Legsweep or The Descent)
Straight Jacket (Rings of Saturn)