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Wrestler Information

Name: Nathan Mitchell

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 254 lbs

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Theme Song: "So Fresh, So Clean" by Outkast

Gimmick: Preppy! Stuck up, preppy, prick. That sums it up in a nutshell. He's the tough guy of the group. Football and wrestling letterman. He is the proverbial shit. No one is better than he is, and has the attitude to back it up.

Background: Nathan has had a very bright life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, if you will. He's been raised with every opportunity to succeed and be great. He was brought up as an only child, and everything he could ever want. Through school, he was one of the brighter kids in his class. Always having good grades. When he was old enough to play sports, he jumped right in. Known for his sudden rages, his temper was considered out of control. Wrestling and football were the perfect sports for him. He began wrestling in the second grade. He was immediately destined to be good as he came a state champion that year. He continued wrestling all the way through high school where he became a two-time state wrestling champion, and was third team All American. He was a four time letterman in the sport. Nathan began playing football in the 7th grade. He was noted as being the "crazy linebacker." He has the temperament of Broncos linebacker Bill Romanowski. He was crazy and reckless on the field putting many quarterbacks and runningbacks on the shelf due to injuries suffered. Nathan was a part of the All State football team as a senior, and gained a trip to the Down Under Bowl in Australia. Again, a four time letterman in the sport. His days in high school also consisted of schooling where he was very bright. Being ranked in the top ten in his class, he was the total package of sorts. Upon graduation from high school, he went off to college attending the University of Connecticut. The place where he met his tag team partner, Kit Donovan. The two became best friends and had the best time possible in college. They knew all about being the preppies they are today. During his time in college Nathan has chosen to become a member of the UConn wrestling team, and like Kit, redshirted to make the most out of his years in school.

Appearance: Very athletically built. A little pudgy, however. He's a tall good looking kid. He's got light blonde hair, handsome face, and piercing blue eyes that would catch the attention of a blind man. He's got blonde sideburns coming down about ear length on the sides. Always wearing the preppy type clothing. Very well dressed and walks like he owns the place. Which, knowing his father, that could be likely.

Ring Attire: Nathan usually wears a pair of mesh shorts, and they're going to be black. He's going to have black kneepads. His wrists will taped. He'll have a UConn wrestling shirt on. To actually wrestle in the match, he'll have a UConn wrestling singlet. This will be blue and white with a Husky wrapped around the body of it. In red lettering it will read Huskies. He'll have blue and white wrestling shoes too.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1. Dropkick
2. Single leg takedown into a half crab
3. Snapmare into a Dragon Sleeper
4. Ankle pick into an ankle lock
5. Sharpshooter
6. Texas Cloverleaf
7. Guillotine Leg Drop
8. Moonsault
9. Ring post figure four
10. Inverted surfboard

Specialty Moves:
Tombstone Piledriver
Rolling German suplexes
Multiple powerbombs

Business with Pleasure (Implant DDT, singles finisher)
Roughing the Passer (Kit hits the man in the knees, and Nathan nails the man from the blind side at the top of the body, tag finisher) Wrestler Information

Name: Kit Donovan

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6'2”

Weight: 225 lbs

Hometown: San Diego, California

Theme Song: "So Fresh, So Clean" by Outkast

Gimmick: Preppy! Stuck up, preppy, prick. That sums it up in a nutshell. He's the lover and flashy member of the group. Football, Tennis and Basketball letterman. He has the brains, brawn and looks to take him to the top.

Background: Kit is by far your stereotypical high school quarterback from the sunny beaches of San Diego. More of a slacker then a student, he managed to keep his grades high enough to accept any sort of scholarship that came his way. After setting the CIF records for completion percentage and touchdown passes in a season his senior year he decided it was time to devote his life to football. Only two problems, his grades and lack luster performance in the Texas-California Shriners game. He turned scouts off when he beat up one of his receivers after he dropped a wide-open touchdown pass. Only the Huskies of the University of Connecticut offered Kit a full ride scholarship. Trying to make the most of his freshman year, Kit has decided to redshirt and hit the weight room hard. During practice, Kit and Nathan became the best of friends and partners in crime. After learning about their preppy backgrounds the two decided to relive their old high school days and raise all kinds of hell on: punks, nerds, posers and their favorites…fat people.

Appearance: Kit is your prototypical quarterback. Lean build, massive upper body and strong legs. He has never been the strongest guy on the field but he can hold his own against anybody. He has short sandy blond hair that is combed forward and has the bangs ‘flipped up’. Sharp blue eyes and perfect mid-ear sideburns complete his blemish free, slightly tanned handsome face. Always dressing to impress, Kit has a huge wardrobe that ranges from flashy shirts and visors, button down silk shirts and Perry Ellis slacks to a simple pair of board shorts and colored wifebeaters. Showing his Californian roots Kit always wears his ‘pooka shell’ necklace.

Ring Attire: Dark blue mesh shorts that say “UCONN FOOTBALL” on the white thigh. Dark blue tape around his wrists and a dark blue elbow pad on his right elbow (have to protect that money maker) white ‘high socks’ with a dark blue Nike swoosh and a pair of mid top blue and white Jordans complete his outfit.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1. Dropkick
2. Short Arm Clothesline
3. Superkick
4. Ankle pick into an ankle lock
5. Backbreaker
6. Bulldog
7. Flying Forearm
8. Spinning Elbow
9. Missle Dropkick
10. Low Blow

Specialty Moves:
High Angle Spinebuster
Boston Crab
Belly to Belly Suplex

*Three Step Drop* (Inverted STF)

*Roughing the Passer* (Kit hits a low spear on the opponents legs from the left side while Nathan hits a high spear on his opponents head from the right side.)