Handler Info

Name: Joel R.J Tennuchi

E-mail Address: Joel

AIM: JoelRJTennuchi

Name: "The Technician" Christopher Packard or TCP

Alignment: Face

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 248lbs

Hometown: Packard School of Science, Trinity College, Oxford, England

Theme Song: "Bad Moon Rising" by 'CCR'

Gimmick: A wrestler is a great technical athletes. Feels he is the Best Technical athlete, Is a Graduate from Oxford Wrestling school, having racked up a series of trophies for his technical wrestling. He also has class and acts like an English version of William Regal mixed with Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Benoit..

Background: Unknown..

Appearance: Christopher Packard stands in at five feet and ten inches tall and is of a slim build. Christopher has natural blonde hair, which is short, and well cropped at the front. As for his body, he is not an adonnis, so he has not many very muscles, only the main one in his brain.


Inside: Inside the ring TCP always adopts to his traditional ebony black leotard with Trinity College, Oxford's emblum, located in the middle. He also wears a pair of white wrestling boots, with red and yellow laces.

Outside: Outside the ring, most of the time, TCP will be seen wearing various suits, as he is a gentleman with a lot of class, and likes to show this off..

10 favorite moves:
1. Inverted Atomic Drop
2. Brainbuster, Belly to Belly.
3. Reverse Knife Hand Chop
4. DDT, Frontface
5. Knee Breaker
7. Knee Drop
8. Low Blow
9. Fist Drop, Off Top Rope
10. Standing Drop-Kick

Speciality Moves

"Lesson in Science" -: as a Tree of Woe. This focuses on the lower part of the opponents body, stopping them from using their feet or from being on balanced terms. And is also always followed up by a running knee lift to the face, causing the opponent to stagger.

Technical Persuasion:- A German Suplex(Singular or x3) "The Vice" - The Ankle Lock

"The Packard Bell" -: A hand ringing slap around the ears..

FINISHER: "Disinfection"

Finisher Description: TCP hooks the opponent over his shoulders, does a run up and then with a modified DVD, sends the opponent slamming into the mat.

Finisher #2: Combo of "Technical Persusion" into "The Vice"

Set-up Move: The Packard Bell