Name: Dave B.
E-mail Address: Dave
AIM: Nighthawkx29
Wrestler Information
Name: Nighthawk
Alignment: Face
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 235 lbs
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Theme Song: 'Conflict' - Disturbed
Gimmick: Nighthawk is an unpredictable master of mindgames who is intimidated by noone and backs down from nothing. He is a cold, cold character with a great strategic mind and the fighting skills to compliment it.
Background: Dave Boudreaux (AKA: Nighthawk) has often been considered one of the greatest minds in the wrestling business. Trained by the legendary Nick Cyprus in the infamous Proving Ground in Chicago before heading to New Jersey to refine his skills, the man who was now known only as Nighthawk worked the local circuit before getting a call from Cyprus himself. Nick had accepted a position in Gladiator Wrestling Independent, a wrestling company trying to get itself off the ground in Chicago. Hawk jumped at the chance to work with his friend and mentor, and his talent was obvious as he won the GWI World Championship on May 2nd, 1994 in an eight man elimination tournament. He would go on to win the title four more times in his five year stint with the company, becoming its undeniable headliner. He also realized the dream of teaming with "Hard Core" Nick Cyprus, as the the team of Vengeance Incorporated dominated the tag ranks and won the tag belts four times.
Feeling there was nothing left to prove in the GWI, Nighthawk moved on to the NAWA, where he earned immediate success by winning the tag titles with both Johnny Deathrow and Nick Cyprus, who had also come to the NAWA.
Tragedy would strike in July of 2000, when an in-ring accident left Nighthawk in a coma with severe head trauma. He recovered, but his wrestling career was over. Hawk turned to managing, discovering the promising rookie Hank Simms in Chicago and training him to become the "Legacy" Lennox Mullroix. Mullroix enjoyed great success in the beginning with Hawk in his corner, but he soon grew arrogant and became out of control, finally turning on his manager and mentor with a brutal headblow that was believed to leave the NAWA Hall-of-Famer permanently paralyzed. Those rumors were proven false on January 21, 2001 in the Astrodome in Houston when Nighthawk made a shocking return to the ring, coming to the aid of Chris Stratford and battering Mullroix into unconsciousness. One month later at No Love Lost, Nighthawk made Mullroix submit in a Career vs. Career match, seizing the North American Title in the process. The NAWA shutdown shortly thereafter, and after a very brief run with Pro Wrestling Dynasty, Nighthawk signed with the World Wrestling Alliance, immediatly establishing himself as one of the elite headliners. After being sent to wrestle in Boston for several months on a controversial suspension, Nighthawk returned and reformed Vengeance Inc. with Nick Cyprus where they quickly re-established themselves as top contenders for the Tag Gold. The WWA then suddenly shut its doors, and now the Reign of Pain has signed on with the TSW; colder, more ruthless, and hungrier than ever before.
Appearance: Nighthawk is very well developed physically but has still been able to maintain a compact form to retain a surprising amount of agility. Standing 6'3'' tall and weighing in at a fit 235 lbs., Nighthawk isn't always the biggest dog in the fight, but he's never needed to be. He has short brown hair cut close to his scalp, but not buzzed. He has piercing greyish-blue eyes, and relatively handsome features without being pretty-boyish. There is a small scar just below his bottom lip, and another right at his hairline that is not usually seen. He has a long scar under his left arm from heart surgery as a child, and several others here and there from the rigors of life and combat that are not normally seen since he wears a jersey while wrestling. He wears street clothes to the ring, usually consisting of black athletic shoes, black jeans, and a black jersey with silver wings on the front along with white and black leather workout gloves. For his entrance he also wears a black leather coat that comes down to his waist, black wire-rimmed mirrored sunglasses, and a black baseball hat with the words 'Eye on Survival' written in green letters on the front.
In the ring, Hawk's eyes are ice and his face a mask of raw determination. He'll occassionally break into a cold smile to throw off his opponent psychologically before breaking them down physically.
Ring Attire: Covered above
Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1) Belly-to-belly suplex
2) Springboard clothesline
3) DDT
4) Spinebuster
5) Superkick
6) Top-rope DDT
7) Scorpion Deathlock
8) Tombstone piledriver
9) Bulldog
10) Hata Kajime (Tazzmission)
Specialty Moves:
As far as specialty STYLES, Nighthawk exels as a brawler, martial artist, and a technical wrestler. He does some high-flying but wouldn't be considered one since he keeps it basic with top rope clotheslines and things like that and stays away from hurricanranas or any kind of flipping moves.
The Sonic Boom: Modifed Cradle DDT (with opponent hunched over, Nighthawk stands at their side with his stomach in their ribs. He hooks their head with his right arm, their right leg with his left, and then locks his hands underneith. Jumping into the air and falling sideways, Nighthawk drives their skull into the canvas and immediatly rolls it right into an inside cradle for the three count.)
Prey Catcher: (a submission choke where Nighthawk hooks the head in a reverse bulldog position, with the opponent looking up at the lights. Nighthawk cinches his arm around the neck and sits down on it, locking his hands and pulling back, causing submission or knockout in several seconds)