Name: Andrew Hall
E-mail Address: Andrew
AIM: Lacerator2
Wrestler Information
Name: MalevoLance
Alignment: Heel
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 278 lb
Hometown: Unnamed island near Florida
Theme Song: "No Hope = No Fear", by Soulfly
Gimmick: Punk anarchist
Background: Not much is known about Lance "MalevoLance" Silvenia. Hesitant to discuss history past the last 10 years. Said years are vague, incomplete (not to him). Instead of college or a job, Silvenia and 4 friends moved to a small island near Florida, similar to the '90s remake of The Island of Dr. Moreau (without the mutants). Living in their own world, they trained in martial arts and pro- wrestling, presumeably extending from athletic backgrounds as teens. After 3 years, the group returned to North America on-and-off. Silvenia found a niche in the pro-wrestling world. Experimenting in independant leagues & federations for almost a year in both North America and Japan, Silvenia slowly started gaining respect from fans, promoters, and wrestlers. Silvenia hopes to settle into a federation under the heel character, "MalevoLance", with intentions that may surprise.
MalevoLance is predominantly a loner who sometimes exudes confidence, despite a lack of positivity. He isn't a flat-out jerk, and doesn't badmouth the crowd for the sake of heel-ness. A clean wrestler, if not in a harsh-stipulation match, Lance does not cheat to win, via illegal moves behind the refs back, or even knocking the ref out. Despite a respect for straight-forward, clean-finish matches, Lance is otherwise very brutal in the ring. He's never liked face heroes, and refuses to fit into that role, no matter how many fans or how much money he may gain. He feels that nowadays, heroes are only good for selling t-shirts and establishing more and more fans that only care about the spectacle and not the wrestling.
Appearance: 'Lance is very well built, like a slightly leaner, taller Triple H, but with somewhat bigger forearms. Shaved bald, but with dark brown eyebrows and thick sideburns. Light grey eyes. Elaborate tribal tattoo on right bicep, tattoo of the word "SPINAL" across stomach. Several scars, varied in shape and length, on several body points (head, neck, backside, torso). A couple scars on his face, with a deeper one under the right eye.
Ring Attire: Shirtless when in the ring. Long, worn black skirt made of loose leather, down to ankles. Tattered strips of clothing as makeshift glove, on right hand, old leather glove on left. Tattered cloth strips and trinkets as bracelets on both wrists, leather wristband on left. Brown belt; worn, leather boots.
Top Ten Favorite Moves:
Bow & Arrow lock
Cobra Clutch / Million Dollar Dream sleeper hold
Fisherman suplex
stiff boot-to-the-head (AKA "Curbstomp", sometimes with a chair)
Asai moonsault to the outside
slingshot snap suplex (opponent rebounds off the top rope)
abdominal stretch w/ punches to torso
snap elbow to neck and/or back
top-turnbuckle clothesline/tackle
gutwrench face-first sidewalk slam
Specialty Moves:
T-Bone suplex
Chokeslam Toss off the top turnbuckle
Face-first Powerbomb [AKA "Loss of Integrity"]
Cruicifix Powerbomb w/pin [AKA "Lacerator 2"]
Jumping Tornado DDT (AKA "Into The Refractive")