Hard Knox 11/10/2001 "Raw---brutal---rough---and bloody RAW---BRUTAL---ROUGH---AND BLOODY!"

[Those that know the Pigs know the hatered-filled growl of GG Allin. As for the Brutality Pigs, they're not so well known at the moment. Those that know of the two, however, are quick to boo and the rest of the fans pick up the cues. Malevolance, as usual, is all business as he stalks down to the ring, ignoring the fans and whatever else attempted to distract him. However Sean today was having a little bit more fun with the fans, spitting into the first few rows, jawing, and flashing the middle finger amongst other arcane and rude gestures. Sean seems content to bullshit for awhile, at least until 'Lance elbows him in the ribs and makes him get into the ring.]

JH: Well, that is the Brutality Pigs opening montage, but they are nowhere to be found.

ST: Maybe, just maybe, they realize that they will be getting the ass kicking of their life tonight.

JH: Those two monsters? You’ve been dipping into your crack stash again, haven’t you?

ST: Never mind, you. What’s that I hear?

JH: I don’t know but their seems to be some confusion backstage. I hear we have a camera back there.

ST: I would hope. It would be funny if a company of this magnitude couldn’t afford some extra camera’s backstage.

JH: You can shut your pie hole now.

[The scene cuts from Jimmy and Schaef and head backstage. Many officials can be seen scurrying around trying to break up the brawl that is in place. ECE and the Pigs are going at each other like there is no tomorrow.]

JH: WHOAH! What a mess back there! I guess they couldn’t wait till they got to the ring!

ST: Now, this is more like it. Action from the lower tier guys. I didn’t think they had it in them.

JH: Yeah, it seems as though the ECE was using their noggin’ taking it to the much bigger Pigs before the match so they could not be dq’ed. Smart indeed.

ST: I always knew Vincent and Randall both could swing a mean chair. They are laying into the Pigs, are they not.

JH: Yeah, but they have to eventually take them to the ring. They can’t win it back here.

ST: Wow, that’s very observant of you. What are you gonna proclaim next? The sky is blue? Water is wet?

JH: Vincent is setting Lance up onto some of those electrical boxes they have back stage. He is instructing Randall to climb up the ladder that is just behind the entrance... This doesn’t look good for Malevolance.

ST: No, it does look good. If only I could get a beer and watch. Maybe let out the top button on my pants...

JH: Ew. Randall is climbing up the ladder... But he doesn’t see Sean... Sean has one of those chairs and nails Vincent. Randall leaps.. a MOONSAULT... Sean moves Lance just in time...

ST: Yeah, I didn’t see that coming. However, Randall looks like road kill on top of those electrical boxes and the big bad Pigs are up and look to be in charge.

JH: Indeed they do, and look like somebody just killed their favorite dog. Foaming at the mouth, Sean and Lance are dragging ECE to ringside. It looks like this match is about ready to start.

ST: They come through the curtains are the crowd, even though not big fans of the Pigs, are letting them know they are loving the action thus far. And all I can say is, you all are a bunch of lemmings.

JH: Lance and Sean stop halfway to the ring and look at each other... They each hoist up their respective opponent up onto their shoulders... And both men just dump ECE onto their throats on the railing.

ST: Wow, those are some imaginative guys...

JH: Sarcasm noted, and not appreciated.

ST: I’m not paid to be appreciated...

JH: The Pigs are now dragging ECE by the hair and throw them into the ring. The ref calls for the bell and this match is now official. Lance steps out onto the ring apron as the big man, Sean stays in the ring.

ST: Looks like they want to end it early by starting with the big guy...

JH: And you call me the master of the obvious.

ST: Hush, scrotum stroker.

JH: Sean kicks Vincent out of the ring and sets his sights on Randall. He picks up the smaller competitor and whips him into the rope... BEARHUG!

ST: Yeah, Sean... The eighties called... They want their move back...

JH: Sean is really squeezing it in... he turns clockwise to take a look at the crowd on every side... He have this sadistic smile on his face.


ST: I think I’m going to be sick...

JH: Me too, Sean just flipped Randall over with a belly to belly and Randall’s neck just bent in ways that is not natural. Randall is not moving what so ever.

ST: The ref is instructing Sean to back off to check on Randall...

JH: Sean is heading over to the side of the ring where Vincent is... Vincent looks disgusted and pissed at the same time. Sean just sneers at him...

ST: Oh, that’s not good... Vincent just told Sean he was number one with his finger and Sean is heading over there now. Uhm, Vince, didn’t you just see what he did to your partner?

JH: Oh my stars and garters! Vincent just threw powder into the face of Sean... Sean is digging at his eyes... and Vincent quickly hops onto the top rope...

ST: Hunancanranananananana and Vince flips Sean out of the ring with an awesome move!

JH: Unbelievable. It appears that Sean is not only in pain from the powder to the eyes, but he landed on his head as well...

ST: Master of the ob...

JH: Vincent is pointed over the top rope down at Sean yelling at him... Rookie mistake because he now has a stalking Lance behind him... Vince turns around...

ST: A running lariat and Lance just knocked Vince out of his shoes! Lance is going for the pin... The ref is out of position because he’s still checking on Randall...

JH: The ref sees it now and hops over for the pin..



And almost three!

JH: The ref is showing Lance that Vince’s foot is on the ropes. Lance quickly hops up and hooks up Vince... He has him hooked into a fisherman lock... into a spinning fisherman ddt buster!!!

ST: That it’s... No man alive can kick out or move his foot onto the ropes after that...




JH: NO! No three as Randall breaks up the count, and I mean, barely breaks up the count. All four men are down now... A little life out of Randall as he grasps onto the ropes to pull himself up...

ST: And, uhm, there he goes as he continues his way up to the top rope...

JH: I don’t know what he is thinking, but he must’ve took a hard bump to the head if he thinks he can nail...

[SSSSSWWWWWOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHHHHH... Time seems to slow down as Randall flips through the air one and a half times.... 450 degrees.... fluidly, beautifully, and becoming reckless and violent as he crashes into Lance....]

JH: CRASHING SKIES! CRASHING SKIES! CRASHING SKIES! I can’t believe he nailed it and neither can the ref because he is taking his sweet time going for the pin!

ST: Get all over the zebra...



JH: No way!

ST: Sean just saved Lance by pulling Randall out of the ring... Randall takes a swing at Sean, but Sean blocks it and gives Randall a right of his own!

JH: That has Randall reeling backwards, stumbling away from Sean.. Sean grabs a hold though and throws Randall back into the ring... Sean quickly slides under the bottom rope and is all over Randall..

ST: Vincent now hops onto the back of Sean and nailing rabbit punches as humanly possible...

JH: Lance, slowly gets up and hops on top of Vincent... All three men are now on top of Randall and Randall is turning blue in the face... He can’t breathe..

ST: Now, that’s funny... It happened to me once in gym class, funny thing too, you see...

JH: Lance wraps a sleeper type choke hold onto Vincent and pulls him off of Sean... Lance side steps and drives Vincent’s face into the mat. That’s smarts...

ST: Sean, now on his feet picks, up Randall... He is hooking him up...

JH: GUTTERBOMB!!! And this one should be over... He’s going for the pin...


ST: Randall is trying to break it up... He’s charging....




JH: And the BRUTALITY PIGS win it!

[ Static fills the PA system of the Hoosier Dome as the crowd continues with a mixed review of tonight's TSW action. Suddenly the sounds of an explosion erupt through the announce system and "Superstar" by Saliva begins playing. At that moment a golden spotlight falls down on the stage that leads to the locker room area. ]

## Now has come the day that I take the lead and I make you follow. ##
## Toast the champion cause I came for greed and not for tomorrow. ##
## If it feels good then it feels good and I do it all day. ##
## You want me to play you best bring your brain, you best bring your money. ##
## Make me a superstar. ##
## No matter who you are. ##

[ Other golden spotlight descend down from the rafters of the Hoosier Dome onto the entrance way to the ring, aligning the path with several Superman logos. At that moment the curtains part and a male figure emerges and begins to make his way to the ring. The Brutality Pigs seeing this, do something that most professional wrestlers do not do when someone comes out after your match. They leave the ring through the crowd.]

JH: Who the heck is this coming to the ring? I've never heard of this music before must be someone new.

ST: Oh you don't say, boy Jimmy you're very observant. Nevertheless I'm sure we'll find out shortly who this is as he is making his way to the ring.

[ As the figure gets closer to the ring we get a more definitely appearance of him. Short blond locks atop that of a muscular build cloaked behind a gray t-shirt with GOLDEN written across the front. Loosely fitted black and gold stripped wind pants hide the well-defined thighs and calf muscles. His shoes are solid black Adidas tennis shoes. ]

## Razorblade and lines and I walk the line without feeling no one. ##
## Damn my throat is dry, I can't taste the wine from these empty bottles. ##
## Films and magazines its all what I need and all what I planned on. ##
## Where's my limousine. ##
## It's just a dream that I won't wake up from. ##
## Make me a superstar. ##
## It don't matter who you are. ##
## Make me a superstar. ##
## No matter who you are. ##

[ The man begins to ascend up the ring steps and into the clear light and now it's apparent who he is...]


ST: You can say that again Jimmy. Ladies and gentleman "Golden Boy" Jake Summers is in the house.

## And all of my pills and all of my drinks is makin me, makin me. ##
## And all that I feel and all that I see is makin me, makin me, makin me. ##
## Cover me in greed, cause you planted the seed when you fed my ego. ##
## Needless and disease for old invincible me like some kind of hero. ##
## Is it no surprise that I'm paralyzed by my fame and fortune. ##
## As I close my eyes and dive into the sky I'm dead 27. ##
## Make me a superstar. ##
## It don't matter who you are. ##
## Make me a superstar. ##

[ As music begins to die down and Jake calls for the house microphone, he is met by a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd. ]

Jake Summers: Thank you. Before I continue I must say one thing, it's good to be back in the NWC, however it could've been in better places. You see this isn't the first time I've been around these parts. I used to work a few miles down the road in some hellhole called BSW and let me tell you my feeling hasn't changed much. The worse thing about being here tonight, other than not wrestling, is the fact Bobby Knight isn't around to hand me a chair to knock some unappreciative fan or opponent upside the head.

[ Summers is met by a greater amount of boos, however a few cheers still are hidden here and there. Obvious the positive response comes from diehard Knight fans that were sadden to see him depart. ]

Jake Summers: However before things get out of hand, let me say I didn't come here to cut on where I am all night. I'm sure there's lesser talented and lesser-known names to fulfill you fans with that satisfaction. Fact is I'm above the majority of those on the roster and I'm not above publicly stating it. I'm sure there's many that'll deny it, but seeing how I came here to compete, I welcome them to prove me wrong.

Now as I was fixing to say I came back to the NWC for various reason. Amongst them definitely wasn't money else I'd signed with SCCW or LCW. I came back for the most part due to the title that rests around Dez Bradley's waist. It's funny that he's in the house tonight wearing the title that he cost me to lose. Many of your blue-collar fans probably don't remember how Bradley screwed me out of a win against Jeremy Thomas. But anyhow Dez I could say paybacks a bitch. I could knock out the referee and take his position and turn an ill-fated favor in return to you. However I'm not here tonight to cost you your title, fact is just like the fans I won't to see if you've got what it takes to keep it.

[ The fans cheer in favor of a fair contest that Summers hints at. ]

JH: For his sake he better not else he'd be fined a lot of money interfering in a match.

ST: Jimmy didn't you listen one bit? Jake doesn't give a care about money. Fact is I'm sure he'd have more than enough to cover himself should he involve himself in anything tonight.

[ We flash back to the ring. ]

Jake Summers: Mr. Bradley isn't the only one that's involved themselves in the past in my NWC career in some sort of capacity. There's others here tonight that's either defending a world strap or fighting for it. Amongst them is Might and Magic member Mimic. There's no love lost between the two of us, but somehow there's always been a mutual respect. Therefore let me wish you and your partner the best of luck tonight. For your sake lets hope you don't get screwed out of the tag team championship once again, there's a few of us that remember the last time you got a shot with Vic.

JH: That's all a crock, the last time Mimic was in this spot it was back in BSW. And fact is he dropped the ball if you ask me.

ST: That's bullshit Jimmy, everyone knows what happen. You’re just to much a Shill to admit it.

Jake Summers: Besides Mimic and Michael Djin who I've faced off in the past there's a couple men fighting for the grand prize tonight that I've had run ins with. Azaul fact is I can't stand your punk ass and your promos still bore the hell out of me. It wouldn't do me much to just beat the hell out of you for the hell of it. Lord knows I owe you one anyhow for sticking your nose in a match Hiro Saotome and I had several months ago.

Then there's the king of the mountain, Hunter Sabuani. "Peerless" one that last time we were in the same building you tried to poison my coffee. Amongst all those I previously mention you alone stand out not because that World Heavyweight strap, but more less because if there's anyone I have more reason to get revenge on its you. Not only were you the ringleader amongst those that not only tried to keep me from winning my first council wide title, but hell you yourself tried to kill me. I guess I should hate you for trying to poison me, but fact is I don't. Maybe I'm stupid in thinking this, but somewhere deep down I think you saw a threat in me that night. A threat not only to killing that slut that Hiro and Monty are fighting over, but a semi threat to the Coterie. By the way where exactly is The Coterie? Someone needs to stir things up; hell those groups that remain around the council today are getting pretty damn stale if you ask me.

I know it's going to disappoint a lot of people, but as I previous stated I'm not here tonight to make anyone's life a living hell. There's plenty enough time for that. So for those resting proudly in heaven enjoy your time, and for those not get ready for things to be a whole hell of a lot hotter.

[ Summers toss the microphone to the mat as "In The End" by Linkin Park begins playing. ]

## I tried so hard ##
## And got so far ##
## But in the end ##
## It doesn't even matter ##
## I had to fall ##
## To lose it all ##
## But in the end ##
## It doesn't even matter ##

[ The music fades out as Summers departs through the curtains to the locker rooms. ]

Part 7