[Fade In]

JH: Just so that everyone understands what just happened Adam-X and Arroyo Anderson just chased Damien Newcastle out to the ring during the commercial break. This match is already underway!

JO: Making his way to the ring area originally hailing from Dallas, Texas. Weighing in at 245 pounds he is "the Revolution" Shawn Andrews!!!

["Fueled" by Anthrax blasts out the arena speakers as Shawn Andrews makes his way to the ring area with an even mix of both cheers and jeers from the crowd.]

## It's like a war inside me, action is all I know ## ## Tell me It's suicide, tell me something I don't know ## ## I don't know why I've been made some kind of hero ## ## When I've done all I can do to prove I'm not ## ## It's amazing to think someone could trust me ## ## Tell me what do you know about me really ? ##

[Shawn is wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, an unbuttoned black shirt with red flames coming up from the bottom with a white wifebeater underneath and black steel toed work boots. The arena lights glisten off his freshly shaved head, as he makes his way calm and emotionless to the ring.]

## And If you make the mistake of getting close to, me, ## ## You'll just give me all that you've got. ## ## So I donąt know why I've been made some kind of hero ## ## When I've done all I can do to prove I'm not. ##

[Shawn circles the ring and stares at his opponents with a sick, sadistic stare that a hunter might have as he closes in on his prey.]

## 1,2,3,4... 1,2,3,4 ## ## Kickstart and turn me over ## ## Punchdrunk, but I'm still sober ## ## Fourteen years and a whole lot bolder ## ## And I don't flinch ## ## Hungry and I'll take the best ## ## 'Cause I never wanted anything less ## ## What doesn't kill me makes me stronger ##

[Before entering the ring Shawn stops at the top step and takes off his black shirt and throws it into the crowd. Showing off his finely chiseled physique and full sleeve tattoos on each arm, he spits a wad of phlegm onto the floor below and enters the ring.]

JH: Looks like were gonna start this off, OFFICIALLY with Andrews and Newcastle. As the two men lock up Andrews quickly sliding Newcastle into a hammerlock. Newcastle Reversing into a hammerlock of his own, before the two men break it up and step back before locking up again. Anderson once again taking the upperhand as he whips Newcastle into the ropes trying to send the big man over with a hip toss that Newcastle easily blocks. A big right hand from Newcastle drops Andrews to the mat.

ST: Where do we find these losers.

JH: For once. please. shut up.

ST: go to...


ST: I think I see a few teeth in the ring.

JH: Andrews is struggling to the corner as Newcastle tags in Adam X. X cuts him off quick dragging him back to the center as he uses the ropes for momentum and drops a big elbow right between the shoulders of Andrews. X pulls Andrews to his feet now and hits a big whip to the buckles following through with a nice monkeyflip.

ST: Wow...he really can fly!

JH: Andrews feeling the effects of that one as he lays gasping. X is heading up top he wants to end this one quick! He comes off with the big splash and..


JH: Andrews rolls out of the way and makes the desperation tag to Anderson. He's in quick pulling X to his feet and whipping him into the ropes Newcastle making a blind tag.

ST: Its not blind I saw it ya goof.

JH: All four men in now as Newcastle and Anderson go at it trading big fists on one side X and Anderson battling it out in the other.


JH: What?

ST: I just remembered there is a Ricky Masters match tonight!

JH:......And there goes X with a big clothesline sending him and Andrews to the outside. This match has turned into total chaos!


JH: Andrews lays X out on the outside with a big whip to the railings turning a few heads and breaking a few ribs with that nice showing of power!

ST: Hrm...wheres the beer guy gone this time? I figure if I start now I’ll be good and drunk by the end of this match.

JH: Back in the ring Anderson tries a clothesline, and it barely moves the larger Damien Newcastle. Anderson this time off the rope, drop kicks the knee cap of Damien. But Damien doesn't go down!

ST: Hey Shawn Andrews on the outside of the ring, grabs a chair!

JH: Adam-X see's it! He's trying to get back into the ring!! But the ref is holding him back! Shawn Andrews throws the chair! But Damien Newcastle catches it!! The plan backfires!! Newcastle has the chair!

ST: NO! Run Arroyo! Run for your life!!


JH: ANDAMINATOR!! ANDAMINATOR!! Anderson just kicked that chair right back into the face of that low down and dirty cheater Damien Newcastle! And Newcastle has a new position in the NWC, counting ceiling lights!

ST: Yeah, like he hasn’t ever seen that position before.

JH: X back in the ring now as Newcastles laid out Adam-X whips Anderson into the ropes, Anderson comes off...SIDEWALK SLAM! Anderson is down! Adam-X, taking a page out of Arroyo Anderson's book, goes to the top rope, looks like he's setting up for a double axe handle smash. But Anderson, jumps to his feet and slaps the top rope! Adam-X falls in the un-kindest of ways over the top turnbuckle!

ST: That is why they call Arroyo the Aerial Artist! If one man can counter any Aerial attack it is that man, Arroyo Anderson. Arroyo now, showing us how it's done. Runs at the ropes, springboard...SIDE HEAD SCISSORS TAKEDOWN! Sweet Jesus Anderson just flipped Adam-X down to the mat with that amazing move.

JH: Anderson heading up top again, hoping for the big pay off! AND CONNECTS WITH THE 450! He goes for the cover...




JH: Man what a match!

ST: *Yawn*

JH:*Mutters much profanity under his breath.*

[Fade… to… commercial.]

Part 7