Devin Mills [DM]: So, Might & Magic, the shocking announcement was made earlier on the show that The Unmentionables retirement and vacancy of the NWC Tag Team titles has been accepted by the NWC Board of Directors and will be considered valid. What do you guys think of this?
[Mimic holds up a finger to Michael Djin who is about to speak. Mimic holds the "NWC Tag Team Titles" football in the air. He then hands it over to Mini-Ray Pierce. He looks at the Mini-Unmentionables.]
Mimic: Now go home.
[Devin Mills looks at Mimic quizically as the Mini-Unmentionables take their ball and go home.]
DM: What was that?
Mimic: A metaphor. My Minis just demonstrated exactly what The Unmentionables have succeeded in doing. You remember that fat, retarded kid that you would always let play basketball with you because he had the ball? Well, that's what The Unmentionables are. They're the fat, retarded kid that was allowed to play because they had the ball. And now they're afraid that we, being superior and not fat and retarded, were going to beat them up and take their ball for our own uses and decided to run home crying.
Michael Djin [MD]: In short, Devin, The Unmentionables were afraid to wrestle us. Plain and simple and there is no other explanation for it. Therefore, they found a loophole in the system that allowed them to escape actually defending the titles. So they vacated the titles and 'retired'.
Mimic: I hear Ray Pierce has only quit twice.
MD: So we're not going to waste any more time discussing The Unmentionables because, quite frankly, the two dancing monkeys really aren't worth the effort.
DM: So, I'm sure you two have heard the announcement by Cult of Personality? They claimed to have gotten approval from the Board of Directors due to their status as the longest-reigning tag team champions in the NWC.
Mimic: Hey, wasn't that the team that I made lose to The Unmentionables a couple weeks ago?
[Devin Mills nods his head in agreement.]
Mimic: Oh, well, I suppose they might not like that.
DM: No, Mimic, I really doubt they're happy with you over that one.
MD: It's no matter. We challenged Cult of Personality to a match back at Across Enemy Lines Four and since then our paths have crossed but that once, where we were more interested in seeing who we would face in our upcoming title shot than what Cult of Personality was up to. The NWC Board of Directors has approved their having a match with us for the vacant titles? No matter, we were walking out of this arena as the NWC Tag Team Champions regardless. The victims matter not.
DM: So you're fairly confident that you'll win?
Mimic: I should kick you in the balls for that asanine comment. Of course we're going to win. We scared The Unmentionables off. We've eliminated any competition we've come across since we became a team. We will beat Cult of Personality. End of discussion.
[Then, Might & Magic turn and walk away. Devin Mills turns to the camera.]
DM: And there goes a confident pair of TSW Triple Crown Tag Team Champions, who - in a surprising announcement - will face Cult of Personality and NOT The Unmentionables for the vacant NWC Tag Team Titles later this show!
[Once more, cut to commercial.]