[Burning My Soul by Dream Theatre starts to play through the arena, as Ripper Longshanks steps out onto the ramp. Without fanfare, Ripper slowly makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, ignoring those who recognize him and call his name. At ringside, Ripper then slides under the bottom rope, and gets to his feet waiting for his opponent to arrive. ]
JH: Doesn't seem like Rippers' getting to much love from the fans gearing up into this one.
ST: That could be because nobody really cares.
[Stabbing Westwards P.O.M.F begins to play over the PA. As the Electronica ladden guitar chords begin to rise in action, The Anarchist Andrew Daniels, makes his way out from the back. As the tempo rises Andrew dashes towards the ring attacking Ripper right away. ]
JH: Andrews wasting no time taking it to Ripper as the two trade blows in the center of the ring. Andrews obviously wanting to use his size advantage to its fullest in this one.
ST: *snore*
JH: Hey fat boy!
ST: oh eh wha?
JH: Ripper getting the upperhand now as he whips Andrews into the ropes following through with a beautiful back body drop.
ST: I have this wierd feeling Andrew's is gonna be spending a lot of time on his back.
JH: Funny I heard the same thing about your mother.
JH: Ripper pulling Andrews to his feet, whip to the ropes reversed and Andrews delivers one hell of a lariat.
ST: (mumbling) dont you be talking bout my mama...
JH: Andrews capitalizing as he lays the boots to Ripper in the center of the ring before using a handful of hair to pull The Loose Cannon to his feet. Andrews strapping Ripper into a massive bear hug.
ST: Aw how cute...shouldn't they get a room for this kind of thing?
JH: Ripper looks to be feeling the effects of the bear hug as Andrews cinches it in.
ST: This is so lame.
JH: Ripper fighting back now with big fists to the head of Andrews. He's got no choice as he lets the hold go. Ripper taking quick refuge outside, but not for long as Andrews is quick to follow trading blows with Ripper on the outside.
ST: Wake me up when Master's comes out. Maybe then it'll be a match worth watching.
JH: Referee iniating the count with both men outside, Andrews feeling the effects of those big right hands from Ripper. Ripper with an irish whip to Andrews, Andrew's reverses....
[Ripper gets whipped rather unceremoniously and rather hard right into the steel ringpost]
ST: Ow damn bet that hurt!
JH: Ouch is right Ripper's head just bounced off that steel post! I think even the people in the nose bleeds heard that one! Ripper down on the outside now, and it looks like hes busted open. Andrews wasting no time pulling Ripper back up and following through with another Irish whip right into the gaurdrail.
JH: Andrew's is in possession of a steel chair now as he stalks the Ripper. HE SWINGS...
ST: Now that was some smart thinking.
JH: Ripper ducked! Andrews connects with the ring post as the ref pulls the chair from Andrews giving Ripper the breathing room he needs as he clips the legs right out from under Andrews.
ST: Finally one of these morons realized you can't win on the outside.
JH: Right you are my fat gumpy friend. Ripper's back inside now though breaking the count though he looks a little worse for the wear, and here comes Andrews shaking away a bit of a limp. Ripper again clips that leg out from underneath Andrews, Ripper taking the upperhand now as he capitalizes locking in a reverse chin lock trying to wear the big man down.
ST: We went from blood and chairs...to this. Dear god save me.
JH: Oh quit your bitching.
ST: You best check yo self fo you wreck yo self foo.
JH:.........all that cholestoral has driven you mad hasn't it.
ST: What you gonna do foo.
JH: Andrews is fighting his way back up now and locks Ripper into a beatiful belly to back! Looks like Andrews has this one in the bag if he goes for the cover now.
ST: He wont he's to stupid.
JH: Andrews looks likes he's waiting on Andrews...AND THERE IT IS FAR BEYOND DRIVEN.
ST: Shouldve called it concussion waiting to happen.
JH: Andrews with the cover..
JH: And Andrews picks up the win in an awesome showing by both men. As Andrews makes his way out of the ring. Hold on Ripper back to his feet now and OH MY GOD!
ST: That can not feel good.
JH: Ripper has the Deep End set in and he IS NOT letting go! Andrews is writhing in pain!
ST: Hey look hes turning blue...thats neat!
JH. Finally the Ref manages to break the two men up Andrews taking the low road to the outside and Ripper grabs the mike.
Ripper: "Never turn your back on a Loose Cannon. You will regret it"
JH: Ripper may have lost the match but he made one hell of an impression especially on Andrews.
ST: Hey...is Ricky up next?
JH: You and Masters are on a first name basis?
ST: Fo Sho we holding it down yo.
JH: Your a moron.....
[Fade to Commercial.]