Handler Info

Name: Doreen Reynolds-Consolati

E-mail Address: Doreen

AIM: JadeKarnage/JadeWarrior

Wrestler Information Name: Jade

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6'0

Weight: 185 lbs

Hometown: Your Darkest Fantasies

Theme Song: "Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)" by AC/DC

Gimmick: Picture your ultimate fantasy woman--now picture your ultimate fantasy woman able to beat you to a pulp.

Background: Jade's exact origins are as yet unknown; what is known about her is that she's a seasoned veteran who has wrestled in feds around the world, and created quite a rep for herself in all of them for being a fiercely vicious competitor. In Japan and about 6 other countries, she is practically worshipped, yet in about 10 others it is forbidden to speak her name. Jade is an incredibly beautiful woman, which usually causes many of her opponents to underestimate her skills in the ring. This is a fatal mistake; Jade has an extensive knowledge of human anatomy and not only knows where her opponents' weakest points are, but how to exploit them to create maximum pain. She has also trained herself to withstand more pain than most individuals would normally be able to tolerate. In other words, it's gonna take more than one chair shot to take her down!

Appearance: Tall, incredibly beautiful, long white-blonde hair, green eyes with long, dark lashes, full-breasted, long legs. She has a large tattoo of a prowling tiger in a forest grove on her back, starting just below the top of her right shoulder and extending to the center of her back. Her build is muscular, yet still very feminine. Out of the ring, she dresses in a generally provocative yet tasteful manner. Jade is very comfortable with her appearance and her sexuality, and has no problem displaying both, often to her advantage.

Ring Attire: Gold and green strapless unitard with matching green fingerless gloves and black boots (http://members.aol.com/jadewarrior/jadeDWO.jpg--that will give you an idea of what her ring attire is like)

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
Side Russian Leg Sweep
Drop Kick
Drop Toe Hold
Enziguri Kick
Asai Moonsault
Swanton Bomb
Flying Head Scissors
Springboard Elbow

Special Moves:
Lap Dance (aka X-Pac's Broncobuster)

Impaler (T-bone DDT)

Any Further Comments: Jade is always accompanied by her bodyguard, Karnage The Man-Beast.

His name is entirely fitting: he is 7'0", 300 lbs. of pure muscle, with long, shaggy black hair, and piercing dark eyes, and as capable of moving on all fours as he is upright. His impulses are purely primal in nature, and usually ultra-violent. He was once trained as a wrestler by a woman named Mistress Renee, who kept him in a cage and on a leash between matches. His wrestling career ended when he nearly killed a man he was wrestling. Not long after that, he escaped from Mistress Renee and wandered the streets until he was nearly dead from exposure. Jade found him at that point, took him home and nursed him back to health, then re-trained him to give him a little more self-control, yet without losing that viciously primal part of his personality. He is fiercely devoted to her as a result, and will follow her orders without hesitation.

When at ringside, Karnage wears a black leather motorcycle jacket over a t-shirt (usually with Jade's picture on it), knee-length baggy denim shorts and black steel-toed boots.