Name: Brad Moores

ICQ #: 103904202

AOL IM: CrimsonDarknezz

E-Mail Address: Brad


Wrestler's Name: Ashe Hayden

Real Name: Alex Hayden

Height: 6'3''

Weight: 237 lbs.

Age: 28

Hometown: Miami Florida

Alignment: Heel

Theme Music: "Blind" by Klank

Wrestling Style: Undefined

Description: An extremely hansom man, Ashe Hayden would stand out in any crowd. His physical appearance lends itself much more towards being attractive over intimidating, extremely well muscled he has a fairly lanky frame by nature - this is well hidden at this point through what one would assume to be hours spent in the gym - no one would ever suspect that Ashe had never touched a weight training program in his life. The key to Ashe's power comes from his legs, which hold strength that most people would take years to build. He has no visible body fat whatsoever. His face, is a picture of perfection, with sparkling green eyes and features that could not have been sculpted better by any artist. He has fairly short hair, typically spiked, but for a large part unkept - and a smile that seems both angelic and satanic in the same moment.

Attitude/Gimmick: An intellectual, well educated man, Ashe Hayden has forsaken the definitions placed upon himself by the society which he was born into. There are no worries for a man with no cares, and he thrives off this fact - living every moment how he sees fit, the only exception being when he would take time to defy the expectations and stereotypes of others. He lives how he wants to live, and couldn't care less how that effects anyone else - part of the life that he loves is the fight. Hayden believes that the need to, and the love of the, fight is one of the most neglected parts of human nature - and takes great pleasure in finding said fights. What better place to do so then a world where the fight is all that truly matters, this thought has led him to professional wrestling. He is dangerous in the ring, because he is there just for the fight - not for the win - he has no interest in defining himself through a win loss record, and would rather define himself through pushing himself to his limit in an effort to see just how far he can go.

Background/Biography: Brought up in the suburbs of Miami, Alex Hayden was a rebellious, although typical teenager. The bastard son of an enigmatic father, Alex had very little in the ways of a role model and took advantage of this fact through developing his own ideals, ideologies and perceptions of the world around him. From toilet paper to world wars Alex took on a view which would likely be considered slanted by the rest of the world. Deemed as a trouble maker for most of his life, he never went specifically out of his way to make people's lives harder - and would be shunned for simple expressions of his mind - something he was condemned for. These basic problems did not prevent Alex from excelling in school however, in fact he succeeded to the point where he earned an academic scholarship to the Florida State university. He graduated after struggling to keep above the minimums to keep his scholarship in tact, often crossing professors by presenting alternative views on subjects they presented - views that many of the were unwilling to even consider, let alone accept.

Life after university led Alex into dead end jobs and a lack of satisfaction - and worst of all a lifestyle he deemed all too typical of suburban America. Searching for a niche he entered new jobs, and quit them soon after - some within a week. Eventually he took to Indy wrestling as an alternative to his current lifestyle, finding the small pay checks and work as a bus boy at a local hotel sufficient enough to keep himself going as he jumped around from apartment to apartment - eventually as he moved up the chains of pro wrestling under the alias of Ashe Hayden he dropped the other job to take on the care free style he now enjoys.

Favorite Maneuvers:
Roundhouse Kick
Sidewalk Slam
Asai Moonsault
Crescent Kick
Sleeping Neckbreaker
Top Rope Clothesline
Diving Short Powerbomb
Rolling Death Valley Driver
Avalanche Splash
Snap Suplex

Specialty Maneuvers:
Senton Bomb
Reverse Diving Front Suplex

Finishing Maneuver:
Lightbreak - Inverted Legdrop Facebuster - Trying to figure that out? Ashe knees his opponent in the back to set it up, holding his knee there he jumps off his other foot and brings his knee to the opponent's head, neck or chest depending on the size of the opponent. He uses this force to knock over the opponent and rides the move through to the ground creating what is in effect a reverse Rock Dropper bouncing the back of his opponent's head off the ground. Erik lands face first with a knee across his opponent's face chest or neck, and one leg behind the opponent's body. It's an easy motion to slide the leg out from underneath and into the pin - ALWAYS with his back on the opponent and the leg rolled up.