Name: Ryan Miskiman
E-Mail Address: Ryan Miskiman
AOL Instant Messenger: Guard8410
Character Information:
Name: Guardian Angel
Height: 6'2
Weight: 245lbs
Hometown: Elysium
Alignment: Face
Theme Music: Raise Your Glasses, by KISS
Physical Description: Guardian Angel is the epitome of a warrior. His hair is thick, dirty blond and long enough to just cover his eyes in front and hangs down at the back to his shoulders. He is very muscular and well built, but not too bulky. He is obviously well conditioned and carries himself with near perfect posture that demands respect. His eyes are a soul piercing, mysterious icy blue color that strike fear into the heart of even the toughest of men. His skin color is tanned and shines in the light.
Ring Attire: Guardian Angel is dressed in all black but no shirt. To the ring he wears a long dark black, leather trench coat and black leather cargo style pants with white stitching. On the back of the coat lies the image of gold colored fire that dances off the gold trim. Centered in the middle of, the coat is a Guardian Angel symbol (see role-plays for logo). He also wears black military-style combat boots that are polished to a glossy shine.
Attitude/Gimmick: Guardian Angel is a highly secretive person, and the wrestling world will not change this. Though he has lived a life filled with immoral acts and sinful deeds, it has not robed him of his loyalty and personal integrity. He carries himself with respect and honor, but at the same time he has a fire in his belly that burns for vengeance and retribution. He is not proud of bringing the underground crime world to where it is, but has a passion to put right his wrongs.
History: The Guardian Angel has been in and out of the NWC for the last 3 years, in fact his first appearance with the NWC was with LSW but it had closed before he could get anything going. He then traveled to Las Vegas and finally to Minnesota where he was One half of the Tag Team champions but forced to leave after Across Enemy Lines 3 missing his NWC tag title shot.
Background/Angling: At the age of eight Kaven Chyld, was torn away from his only living relative, his brother. Kaven doesn't remember much of his brother, his life or whereabouts now. What he does remember is the long drive in a fancy town car from his brother apartment to a large house that was quite a step up for a dirty orphan boy. His captive introduced him to the people he will call mum and dad. Kaven never really took to the idea and rebelled against his new family. His adoptive father, however, lived a double life. He would take the boy out back beyond the estate where no one would see the two; his father always brought various weapons. Kaven didn't mind, if it were not for his father he would not be where he was today. As the boy grew up he was formed into his father's personal hit man, knocking off various targets that had committed crimes against the family. That was until he met Raymond Steel. He was suppose to be just another hit, but Raymond was too strong. After years of terrorizing the streets of London Guardian Angel finally met his match. Steel was the only man who ever kicked Kaven Chyld's ass. After rigorous torture Raymond, who could have killed the boy if he wished, took Kaven as his bodyguard, his Guardian Angel. It was a relationship that would eventually get out of hand as Raymond began taking over numerous criminal organizations in order to further the success of his parent company Raymond Steel Enterprises. Soon Raymond Steel became ruler of the crime world. He was a kingpin, and untouchable. Guardian Angel was duped into destroying criminal leaders, only to learn that the vary man he was protecting had become the kingpin of crime. Kaven escaped from Raymond's estate and disappeared back to the shadows that had been his true father and teacher. Kaven has now taken on the permanent name of The Guardian Angel.
This is where are story continues as Raymond Steel (imagine an insane Don King) is now going into wrestling promotion, but he needs a wrestler. He as put together a pursuit team (all who were past sub characters throughout his wrestling career) who have been ordered to find Guardian Angel and convince him to become a wrestler, he has also developed a promotion team that will be in charge of promoting his wrestler, The Guardian Angel.
*Note: Guardian Angel doesn't know that Raymond Steel is organizing, economically supporting and pushing his wrestling career.
Ten Favorite Moves:
Side suplex
Stalling brain buster
T-bone suplex
Dragon suplex pin
Full Nelson Slam
Swanton Bomb
Diving Fame Asser
Samoan Drop
Stall Suplex
Signature Moves:
Doomsday Device: Running Power Bomb
Apcalypse: Tilt-a-whirl slam
Adumbration: Lion Saw
Set - Up Move:
Death Drop
Cataclysm: Sharpshooter