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Name: Alex Ervin

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Wrestler Info

Name: Alan "ColdHeart" Frost

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6'6

Weight: 265 lbs

Hometown: Juneau, Alaska

Theme Song: "Waste of Time" by Circle of Dust

Gimmick: Frost has nothing to lose by his actions - He's accomplished his goals all across the planet. These days, he takes a sick sort of pleasure out of other people's suffering, and while not outwardly self-destructive, shares the emotional pain of a forced separation from his wife and child with anyone who dares cross him. He likes making trouble, and he likes taking what other people throw at him and shoving it back in their face, just for the look in their eyes when they know he has them where HE wants them.


He's a legend.

Love him or hate him, the only three-time DWO Champion is always an intimidating presence, despite his age of forty-one. For many years, he's been scoring golden straps, sometimes with the help of his fans, and sometimes shunning them entirely in favor of a more bestial nature.

Alan Frost made his american debut some four years ago in the Extreme Superstars Wrestling Federation, coming into contact with current superstars BloodAngel and Damion Siobhan, and conscripting the former into what would be the first incarnation of the Crimson Riot. ESWF folded soon after Alan picked up the North American title, and left him without a federation to call home until he signed a contract with UWF. BloodAngel and Siobhan formed the Circle of Dust, a precursor to the second Crimson Riot resurgence. Bonds were made and broken in this time, between BloodAngel, Alan, Siobhan, and Dave Snow, and throughout their tenure in the DWO, which they migrated to after UWF closed, the bond grew stronger still.

In a match with Boyardee; a DWO World Title match, no less, Alan botched a Shooting Star Press to the outside, fracturing several vertebrae. Ignoring the problem, he continued to wrestle, though gimmicked into a wheelchair for the last two weeks of DWO television. The issue of his neck was still unresolved by the time he, Snow, BA, Siobhan, and Ashton migrated to the NWC as the Crimson Riot, and eventually led to an unexpected dissapearance from the sport For months, he underwent surgery and rehabilitation, occaisionally popping up for a match in the defunct MSW...

That is, until the DWO was reopened. On the first Pay Per View, Alan won the World Title again in a ten man battle royal, but neck problems again forced him to drop the belt to Jade two months later. He had isapeared, seemingly forever, while he contined to rehab his neck, and returned in glorious form in a feud with Lance "Malevolance" Silvenia. The feud lasted several months, where he exchanged matches with Silvenia and his partner, Sean Laughreah. Their brutal manner caused some repeaed injury to Frost, who sucked it up and began to go through a crisis of faith.

Hospital visits to a kid who injured himself by trying a Shooting Star Press restored Alan's fighting spirit, and while continuing to go through from week to week in matches, surpassed the returning BloodAngel as the man who could bring the company to the height it's owner wanted. Putting his hatred for Silvenia and Laughreah on the backburner, he made a run at the World title for a third time, finally reaching his goal in an emotional cage match with the Mentle. That was the pinnacle of the DWO...production problems forced it to shut down yet again, and left Frost without the one thing he REALLY wanted now. A brawl with Malevolance.

He and Lance met weeks later to finally settle the score. After thirty straight minutes of smacking the hell out of each other in what would later be called a "Fight Club" match, Lance learned to respect the older Frost, while Frost let his animal agression take hold. For the first time in two years, the animal in Frost has been let out, and the plan began formulating with Jade, Laughreah, and Silvenia to invade the NWC again. Unexpectedly, Jarid Ruhn Ashton reappeared, and suggested a resurgence of the name that Frost put on the map and helped make famous in the NWC. The Crimson Riot was back, and in homage to their DWO roots, it was rechristened Riotv59, as v59 was the last "version" of the DWO.

He's a legend...A man with more gold than Fort Knox...And he's back in the NWC. Only time will tell if his vision will be successful...The stage is set for what may well be the last chapter in Alan Frost's wrestling career.

Appearance: Tall and built, with a slight bit of that middle-age spread going on, Alan still doesn't show his age physically. He keeps his hair short, and has finally let it return to it's original red color, complete with sideburns and goatee. A red crescent moon is tattooed over his right eye, and crossing his back, sides, shoulders, and neck are tribal patterns linked together, formed like lightning bolts.

Ring Attire: His ring attire is a symphony of black and red: Wine-red spandex/lycra mock, black leather pants with red lacing up the sides, and hand wraps are the order of the day, completed with a black leather cabbie hat, always worn backwards

Top Ten Favorite Moves:

Side Russian Leg Sweep
Frontface DDT
Belly to Belly Suplex
Full Nelson Buster
Super Stalling Brainbuster
Swinging Neckbreaker
540 splash

Specialty Moves:

Shooting Star Press
Rolling German Suplexes
540 splash
"Primitive Screwhead" (Tornado DDT)

The Crucifier (Crucifix Powerbomb)
The In-Between Time (Crippler Crossface)
Any further Comments: Alan has a BAD habit of just going completely brutal. He'll disqualify himself during a match just to see the aforementioned "doe in headlights" look in an opponent's eyes. He has willingly separated himself from his family at this time in order to concntrate on this final stretch in his career. There is no family tension, but just the separation can force him to act desperately to win, as if he were purposely trying to injure himself so he can go home and end this whole mess.