Handler Name: Vince Rose
E-Mail Address: Vince
AIM Nickname: puroresu kid
Tag Team Information
Team Name: East Coast Excellence
Combined Weight: 456 lbs.
Entrance Music: "Everything & Nothing" by Mudvayne
Signature Moves:
1. Elbow of Excellence - The Elbow of Excellence is East Coast Excellence's favorite move besides their finisher. Basically, Vincent and Randall jump at one of their opponent and hit a double back elbow smash, a double handspring back elbow smash, or a double flying elbowdrop. As long as Vincent and Randall both hit their opponent with an elbow attack at the same time, it will be called the Elbow of Excellence.
2. East Coast Clutch - The East Coast Clutch is sort of a dragon sleeper with a half crab applied as well. Vincent first applies a dragon sleeper and then sits on his opponent's back like if he had a camel clutch applied; Randall then comes from behind and applies a half crab. This move is an illegal move an is seldom used, but when used this move can cause an opponent to black out.
3. Shooting Star Special - The Shooting Star Special is simply the best double shooting star press today. Vincent and Randall will stand side by side on the outside ring apron while their opponent is down in the ring. Vincent and Randall will then jump up and hit a double springboard shooting star press together. East Coast Excellence has been know to do this to the outside of the ring as well.
4. Hero Lariat - The Hero Lariat is one of East Coast Excellence's favorite moves as well. Vincent whips the opponent into the ropes and then catches them like D-Von Dudley would if the Dudley Boys were about to hit the Dudley Death Drop. But Randall, who is behind Vincent, springboards off the ropes and then hits a awesome springboard corkscrew lariat.
5. Farewell & Goodnight - Farewell & Goodnight is setup with Vincent and Randall kicking the opponent in the nuts at the same time. Vincent and Randall then put one of the opponent's hands behind their head and each grab a leg. They then lift the opponent up with a double fisherman buster. After about five seconds, East Coast Excellence jumps up and drops the victim on their head with a brutal double fisherman buster.
Tag Team Finisher: Excellent Ending - The Excellent Ending is one of East Coast Excellence's most devastating aerial moves. As one or both of their opponents are down in the center of the ring, Vincent climbs to a turnbuckle and Randall climbs to the opposite turnbuckle. After signaling to the crowd, Vincent and Randall jump with everything they have and hit a double senton bomb on their opponent.
Wrestler One Information
Wrestler Name: Vincent Rose
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 237 lbs.
Hometown: Snow Hill, Maryland
Alignment: Heel
Appearance: Vincent is the biggest member of ECE but his body is not as well defined as Randall's body. Vincent has shoulder length blond hair, dark blue eyes, a fair looking body, and a clean shaven face. Vincent also has many tattoos, many pierced body parts, and a few scars like his teammate.
Ring Attire: Vincent always wears blood red tights that has 'East Coast' written in a hardcore black font on the right leg and 'Excellence' written in a hardcore black font on the left leg. Vincent also wears black knee pads, black elbow pads, and black wrestling boots. Vincent wears no shirt in the ring, but does not have as great of a body to show off like Randall.
Gimmick: Vincent Rose is a pure sadistic bastard. He hates everyone but his teammate. He is a very arrogant and cocky man, but he is more brutal and ruthless than Randall. He tends to strike before he talks, which is totally opposite from Randall, who loves to babble about how great East Coast Excellence is any chance he can get. Vincent is defiantly the more aggressive member of ECE.
History: Vincent Rose did not grow up wanting to be a wrestler, he simply wanted to be rich and famous. With nothing to do with his life he started to watch wrestling, and he quickly became addicted. As he got older he decided he was going to be a wrestler so he could be rich, famous, and bang a lot of hot chicks. After going through a small wrestling school in Maryland, Vincent ran into another guy like himself... Randall Rose. Since Randall was from New Jersey and Vincent was from Maryland, they decided to form a tag team called East Coast Excellence. And after wrestling in a few small independent feds around the East Coast, ECE got the chance of a life time; ECE joined up with TSW, which is a part of the great NWC.
Wrestling Moves:
1. Superplex
2. Snap Suplex
3. Dragon Suplex
4. Cradle Suplex
5. Vertical Suplex
6. Belly to Back Suplex
7. Release German Suplex
8. Belly to Belly Suplex
9. Northern Lights Suplex
10. Double Underhook Suplex
Finisher: Specialplex - Japanese Ocean Suplex
Wrestling Two Information
Wrestler Name: Randall Stone
Age: 21
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 219 lbs.
Hometown: Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Alignment: Heel
Appearance: Randall is the smallest member of ECE but has a better looking body than Vincent. Randall has short black hair, ice blue eyes, a well built body, and long black sideburns that connect to a black goatee. Randall also has many tattoos, many pierced body parts, and a few scars.
Ring Attire: Randall always wears blood red tights that has 'East Coast' written in a hardcore black font on the right leg and 'Excellence' written in a hardcore black font on the left leg. Randall also wears black knee pads, black elbow pads, and black wrestling boots. Randall wears no shirt in the ring, showing off his excellent looking upper body.
Gimmick: Randall Stone is extremely arrogant and has a tendency to talk a lot during interviews and whatnot. He loves to get attention and to piss people off, but he is still a violent man, so don't get me wrong. Vincent will beat you down, while Randall will verbally assault you and then beat you down. Some say that Randall tries to get all the respect for ECE's accomplishments, but Randall and Vincent know that they are a team, and both strive to win for the team not for themselves.
History: Randall Stone was just like Vincent, he wanted to become a wrestler so he could be rich, famous, and bang a lot of hot chicks. Randall had a much harder time in wrestling school than Vincent, he had a hard time learning submission moves and sometimes landed his aerial moves wrong. But with a lot of hard work, Randall caught up with Vincent and they are now even in their strengths and weaknesses. Other than this, Randall's history is the same as Vincent's history.
Wrestling Moves:
1. Moonsault
2. Frogsplash
3. Suicide Dive
4. Diving Headbutt
5. Flying Bodypress
6. Missile Dropkick
7. No Hands Plancha
8. Somersault Plancha
9. Guillotine Legdrop
10. Flying Clothesline
Finisher: Crashing Skies - 450 Splash