Handler Info

Name: Adam Clarke

E-mail Address: Adam

AIM: DrifterCrowleyWS

Wrestler Information

Name: John Crowley A.K.A. Drifter

Alignment: Face

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 231 lbs.

Hometown: Death Valley, NV

Theme Song: "Wanderlust" by Megadeth

Gimmick: Southwestern roughneck, owner of a bar and wrestling school

Background: Drifter was abandoned near Death Valley in the desert at birth. He was taken in and raised by Indians. Later banished because he was too violent for the tribe, he entered the city of Las Vegas. He was arrested at 15 for assault and put into a home for "Gifted Youngsters", which was essentially a halfway house for intelligent delinquents. At the age of 17, he escaped, killing one of the doctors in the process. He was arrested again, and the judge gave him a choice. He could go to jail, or he could join the military. Given the choice of a cell, or getting paid to kill people, Drifter quickly agreed to join the Navy.

After Basic and Advanced Training, he was chosen to try out for the Navy SEALS. He passed the training with the one of the best performances in Navy history. He was immediately assigned to SEAL team 6, and shipped off to the Middle East, where he was sent on a large number of Black Ops missions, using stealh and hand to hand tactics regularly. He was then sent to Southeast Asia, where he trained in several martial arts disciplines. When his tour was up, he returned home and traveled south to Mexico, where he was introduced to the world of Lucha-Libre wrestling. He trained there for a several years, adopting the style as his own, then moved to Japan to join the All-Japan Pro Wrestling league. He learned everything they could teach him, then decided to return to the US and ply his new trade there. Since then, he has wrestled in many organizations and made quite a name for himself.

Drifter is busy a great deal these days, running the combination bar and wrestling school he has opened in downtown Las Vegas, NV. Angel's Oasis is a private bar/nightclub frequented by many high profile personalitites in the wrestling business, and Sin City Wrestling School is quickly becoming one of the hottest schools in the country. In spite of his busy schedule, however, he has also recently become romantically involved with one of the waitresses at Angel's Oasis, a young woman by the name of Melissa Walker. Due in part to his involvement with her, and also out of a desire to lay his past to rest, Drifter is trying to let go of his violent, sociopathic past. It is a strange, unfamiliar road he walks these days. For one used to drawing the boos of the fans, he finds he draws great joy out of their cheers.

Appearance: Rough and muscular, Drifter's body is covered in scars, testament to the hard life he encountered as a child and in the military, and also testament to how hard he drives himself in the ring. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes, although they are rarely seen behind the Ray-Ban sunglasses he wears most of the time. He wears black jeans and black leather harness boots. He is usually wearing a black "Gravity Rules!" t-shirt with a picture of Drifter doing a Corkscrew Plancha off the top of a steel cage. Over this, he wears a black oilskin Australian duster, and he usually has a black Stetson hat with a sterling silver band on his head.

Ring Attire: Short tights with "Drifter" scrawled down the legs in script stylized to look like blowing sand, a black tank top, and RVD style wrestling boots

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1. Hurricanrana
2. Spinning Brainbuster
3. Armdrag Takedown
4. Gutwrench Powerbomb
5. Dragon Legscrew Takeover
6. Baseball Slide
7. Back Hook Kick (į ląTajiri)
8. Asai Moonsault
9. Slingshot Somersault Pescado
10. Spinning Wheelkick

Specialty Moves:
1. Snakebite (Consecutive Asai moonsaults from all 3 turnbuckles from bottom to top)
2. Desert Twister (Springboard Corkscrew Plancha)
3. Heatstroke (Farooq-esque spinebuster)
4. Cactus Clutch (Modified Mexican Surfboard)

1. Death Valley Driver
2. Tumbleweed DDT (Jumping Tornado DDT from behind)