Handler Info:

Name: Lee Clark

E-mail Address: Lee Clark

AIM: StarmanNWC

Wrestler Information

Name: "The Mercenary" James Clark

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6'

Weight: 220 lbs

Hometown: Sheffield, England

Theme Song: "Butterfly" by Crazy Town

Gimmick: James is a man looking to gain the attention he had kept away from him all these years as half of the Mercenaries. Now, with the eager backing of the mysterious new woman in his life, the unknown "Butterfly", James has taken on a new lease of life. He lives for her, he fights for her, and he wins for her. At the same time as he gains the respect he feels he earned long ago, he keeps his woman happy, and that's all that matters. James is cold, calculating and lethal on the mat, just like his older brother. James has deceptive power for his size, and has been known to comfortably powerbomb over 300 pound men, he is a little slower than men of the same size, but is strong and matches hold for hold almost anyone.

Background: James was once half of a dominant Tag Team known as the Mercenaries, but he was forced to wrestle under a mask and under the name of Warfare. After an injury that ended the career of his tag team partner Steve Sands, James decided it was time to take off the mask, and step out of the shadow of his older brother, former NWC mainstay, Lee "Starman" Clark. In doing this he managed to annoy the owner of PCW, and physical injure him. Again he was held back and was denied title shot after title shot. Eventually, growing tired of this, he faced his "boss" in a match for control of the company, with his career on the line.
He used allies and the presence of the main woman in his life "Butterfly" to out maneouver John Pual Hayes, and won control of PCW. After winning it, he sold the company to an American buyer, for money, recognition, and a chance to gain the title opportunities he was denied in London.

Appearance: James is a man that looks as though he should be bigger than he actaully is. He has a ridiculously small body fat percentage, and is very well built. This loses him a little bit of athletisism, but he manages to retain a good pace, etc. He has rugged good looks, and is not afraid to show them off after being under the mask for so long. His hair is medium length black hair, and has a very powerful glare. His eyes show the same strength as his body, while also reflecting on his intelligence.

Ring Attire: James wears a very simple pair of Black pants with a grey streak running up the side, and black canvas boots with grey laces. He leaves his upper body bare in order to show off his natural power.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
Reverse DDT/Backbreaker
Vertical Suplex and Floatover into punches
Boston Crab
Cradle DDT
Dragon Suplex
Tornado DDT
Hangman's neckbreaker from the top rope
Fujiwara Legbar
Running slam into the turnbuckles.

Specialty Moves: Loading the Barrel (Military Press into falling neckbreaker)
Eliminator - No-DQ speciality (Throws a chair up towards opponent and dropkicks it straight into the side of the opponent's head)

1) Snipers Bullet (Top Rope DDT)
2) Sealed With a Kiss (Hammerlock/Dragon Sleeper w/ Leg Grapevine)