Handler Info

Name: Ryan. Costello, JR

E-mail Address: Ryan

AIM: Azaul

Wrestler Information

Name: "Azaul" (Dashiel Faireborne, Jr)

Alignment: (Face, Tweener, Heel) Face

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 242 lbs

Hometown: Montreal West, Quebec, Canada

Theme Song: "Magnetic North" by Less Than Jake

Gimmick: The hollistic philosopher wrestler. Brutally down-to-earth, and extremely cynical of dramatics and charmless flare.

Background: His grandfather left Germany in 1939 to avoid conscription, and took a very American name to avoid the impression of being a spy. Two generations later, Azaul still gets ribbed about having a grandfather that would have been a nazi had he not been so lucky.

Azaul captained hockey and lacross teams at his high school, not for his abilities -although they were impressive- but for his command ability and obediance. In his own time, he took boxing and kick-boxing leasons, and became powerful with a very determined offense.

When he reached University, Azaul continued to curb studies in favour of atheletics, and found a new passion; wrestling. His first matches saw his shoulders on the mat, but as he developed a sharper defense. At a meet where he went undefeated through a round-robin tournament, a man named Blade Tracer took him to his friend's gym and helped him get his break. He competed in feds like the QEWF and AEA where he met Sticks and Stones, a tag team that would bring him more emotional pain than he'd ever known. After following their path for two years which left him without friends or fans, Azaul faked his own death. It only lasted a few months, and Azaul managed to use his charisma to ease back in good with the owners of the fed and even landed himself a job as head referee. But Sticks and Stones cost him that job by setting him up. Azaul got back in the ring shortly after. Recently, Azaul has been jumping around the NWC. He found a home in the MSW and ran an impressive winning streak, with only two losses in six months. MSW was closed and became the LSW, where Azaul earned himself "upset" victories over his foster brother and a former NWC World champion, BloodAngel, then sensational talent Hiro Saotome, before losing to his rival Lee Clark in the finals of the Heavyweight title tournament. He has since become more of a memory to NWC wrestling fans, until his sudden reemergence in the TSW.

Appearance: For most of Azaul's career, he depended more on mental fitness than physical prowess, but that didn't cut it in the NWC. Since his MSW days, Azaul has taken to a far more rigerous work-out, and now has one of the most fit, conditioned bodies in wrestling.

A trademark of Azaul's is a habit of dying his hair as often as he changes his mind, going across the rainbow with his choice of colours. Lately, his hair has been white with metalic streeks, but just recently, he died it a dark brown and streaked it pine green. The colour combination works fine with his black, almost pupiless eyes, and the celtic tree he's taken as a prominant symbol.

Ring Attire: Azaul wears a tight sleeveless top, either black or brown with a green celtic tree. His pants are green, with dashes down the outsides that match whichever shirt he's wearing.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1) Flying Dropkick
2) Northern Lights Suplex
3) Rolling Hip Toss
4) Gutwrench to a pin
5) Diving Axe-handle
6) Flying forearm
7) Cross Body Block
8) Moonsault
9) Arm-wrench-short-arm-clothesline
10) Armbar

Specialty Moves:
Flint and Steel (Flint: a wasitlock DDT that's mostly a head and chest plant. Steel: (Holding onto the waistlock, put placing his elbow between his opponent's shoulderblades, Azaul arches the back and forces the upper body down)
Propelsalt (With opponent on the outside, Azaul runs to the ropes, leaps just before hitting and spins 180. His calves hit the top rope, propelling him head-over-heels onto his opponent)

Chicken Swing (Cross Face Chicken Wing/Russian Leg Sweep, sometimes held for as a submission move if Azaul is worried about the landing)
Moonslam (A top-rope moonsalt-powerslam. This is Azaul's desperation finisher, as it all but wipes him out)