Handler Info

Name: Kevin Court

E-mail Address: Kevin

AIM: dolticus

Wrestler Information

Name: "The Anarchist" Andrew Daniels

Alignment: Heel

Height: 6’7"

Weight: 275

Hometown: Gander, Newfoundland, Canada

Theme Song: P.O.M.F. by Stabbing Westward

Gimmick: Andrew Daniels is a savy ring veteran. He is filled up with hatred and anger for the system which created him. He is a violent individual with aggressive tendencies. He has stayed out of the spotlight for most of his career staying in the indies in and around Canada. The Anarchist doesn’t say much but when he speaks he words are taken with great value and caution.

Background: At the very young age of 9, Andrew was abandoned by his parents in small town Newfoundland. He survived as a orphan on the streets, in and out of the shelters. He slowly grew up there and soon became involved in the street gangs. A life filled with crime followed. His current mean streak can be traced back to here. As he grew up it became apparent that Andrew would be larger than the rest of the other boys he hung out with. Using this to his advantage, in 1991 at the age 18, Andrew took up wrestling with a local promotion. The ECWA. (Eastern Canada Wrestling Association.) This was where it all began. He spent the next 6 years there going nowhere. As a perennial midcarder Andrew got nowhere there, but his raw ability didn’t go unnoticed. He was soon scouted and signed by the MLWA. It was there, that Andrew soon realized the true vigors of the industries. Traveling across Canada with this promotion hardened him and further fueled his angst. After a few years Andrew got what he deserved and rose through the ranks of the MLWA. Despite not winning the MLWA Heavyweight Championship, Andrew was considered to be a top contender. While at the top of his game in the MLWA, Andrew’s luck continued to run high. Andrew was being scouted by Harvey. D. Keen’s WWA. One of the so called big leagues of the wrestling industry. It was at the same time he was being scouted that allegations of drug trafficking and other illegal activities came about. It was unfortunate timing but the allegations quickly ended his career. Needless to say Andrew was furious and began to appeal. At the present moment all allegations and charges have been dropped and Andrew is looking for a promotion to hire him.

Appearance: Standing at 6’7" and weighing in at 275lbs Andrew is an intimidating figure. Andrew has steel gray eyes, a clean shaven head and flaxen goatee. His malicious demeanor is capped off with a sinister grin. Andrew can be best described as a tank. His chest is well defined and thick. His arms and legs mimic the trunks of trees. With his arms fully tattooed in the likeness of reptile scales his sinister image is further heightened. To go along with the tattoos an his arms, a barbed wire circlet has been tattooed around his neck, with the image of blood slowly seeping down. Andrew’s ears have been scarred where earrings have been ripped out multiple times.

Ring Attire: Andrew’s Ring Attire includes a pair of black leather pants held up by crimson colored belt, a tight fitting red tank top, and an old pair of size 10 black worn in wrestling boots. Andrew’s wrists are usually taped up with black tape.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:
1. Powerbomb
2. Bear Hug
3. Powerslam
4. Big Boot
5. Elbow Smash
6. Thumb to the Eye
7. Stalling Suplex
8. Knife Edge Chop
9. Double Handed Choke lift.
10. Giant Headbutt

Specialty Moves:
1. Devastation (Chokeslam)
2. Annihilation (Inverted DDT)

1. Mass Destruction (Inverted DVD)
2. Chaos (Cobra Clutch)