Name: Donovan Valens
Height: 6’8
Weight: 354
Hometown: Bari, Italy
Alignment: Face
Theme Music: "Shake the Foundation" by ACDC
Physical Description: Donovan is a peak physical specimen. From the long white hair that hangs from his head to the shoes that he wears. He has dark brown eyes that can change from hope bringing to deadly. His rugged good looks would make he a model on any catwalk in France. Although he is a larger man standing at six feet eight inches his weight is evenly distributed though his body. Valens body is clean and sharp, with distinguished cuts in his abs and upper chest. His lower body is also something to marvel at with his thick solid legs.
In the ring Valens will usually let his shoulder length hair dangle. Often times he will be in a golden yellow siglet and the straps will be down by his waist. He will usually be wearing matching elbow pads the same rich color of the siglet. Two matching yellow kneepads with traces of black in them and classic shiny wrestling boots.
Attitude Gimmick: Subdued, even-tempered and noble. But with most men who have those traits when pushed to his limit Donovan can and will become a brooding menace. His anger knows no limit when he is irate. Simply put screwing him over would be detrimental to your health.
Ten Commonly use Moves:
1. Powerslam
2. Spinebuster
3. Hangman Neckbreaker
4. Snap Suplex
5. Release butterfly powerbomb
6. Flying lariat
7. Pump handle stampede slam
8. Samoan neckbreaker
9. 3x Rolling German Suplex
10. Elevated Boston Crab
11. Arching Camel Clutch
12. Over the head belly to belly suplex
13. Full nelson slam
Setup Move: “The Onslaught” (Death Valley Drive)
Finishing Move: “Rapture” (Butterfly powerbomb with pin combination)