Handler's Information

Name: Jeremy Rodden

E-Mail: Jeremy Rodden

AIM: Toonopolis

Tag Team Information

Team Name: Might & Magic

Team Finisher: Not Applicable, they use their individual finishers.

Theme Song: "Bad Magick" by Godsmack

Wrestler #1 Information

Name: "Warlock" Michael Djin

Theme Music: "Pagan Born" by Inkubus Sukkubus

Hometown: Maine, town unknown

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 325 lbs.

Alignment: Heel

Physical Description: Djin is a very large man. He has fairly long hair of blood red color. A lot of scars encompass his body. The one, most prominent, scar is on his face across his right eye. This has left his eye bloodshot permanently. He wears a lot of red clothing, to represent the Fire Guardian of the South Watchtower. All of his clothing has a generic look about them because they are made of natural fibers as is expected of a Wiccan. He generally carries what may appear to be weapons with him, but they are merely tools used for his magick. With his new attitude, he really won't hesitate to use his tools as weapons though. The one that is with him most often is a staff that is about his height, emblazoned with various crystals, which serve magickal purposes. He has a selection of knives that are used for different rituals. He keeps a red bag with him as well, which contains various items such as herbs, tools, crystals, candles, etc.

Ring Attire: His ring attire consists of a pair of cotton pants (tights are not made of natural fibers). The pants are red, with various symbols garnered on them, all of which are yellow to touch upon his intelligence as represented by the Guardian of the East Watchtower. The commonly used pentagram [a Pagan symbol - a five pointed star surrounded by a circle with only one point at the top] is among them. The pentagram represents different things for Wiccans, most notably the five elements [fire, air, earth, water, and spirit]. A note for all of you Christians that view Djin as a devil-worshipper: the early Christians often wore pentagrams, for to them it represented the 5 wounds of Christ. Other symbols include the Sun [the God], the Moon [the Goddess], and the Salamander [the elemental representation of Fire].

Gimmick/Attitude: Djin has really changed his attitude with the move to Texas from Minnesota. A jealousy bug, it appears, has bitten him and brought back the old attitude of pure anger and emotion which once fueled him in Minnesota State Wrestling's first few months of existence as "A." No longer does he follow the Wiccan creed "and it harm none, do what you will." He now wrestles with that distinct purpose in mind.

However, Djin still considers himself a good Wiccan and has only taken the name "warlock" to admit that he is breaking the rules set forth in his religion. You see, a warlock is dubbed so because he is a traitor to witches. By openly professing his beliefs and giving witches a bad name through his actions, he realizes that he is, in turn, something of a traitor to his kind. He feels that he must act the way he does, though, for witches to gain the true respect they deserve and that being nice solves no problems that are placed in one's path. In short, he tried things the good way and felt they didn't work.

Now he's trying them the bad way.

Background: Here

Move List: Michael's not really one for too many technical moves. He tends to just power his opponents around the ring.

Finisher: Taboo

Finisher Description: An enormously powerful power-bomb. It is called Taboo because, as has been stated several times, Wiccans don't believe in hurting others. Something that is 'taboo' is defined as a forbidden exercise. This is another one of Warlock's open attempts at self-redemption; by admitting that he knows what he is doing is wrong.

Wrestler #2 Information

Wrestler Name: Mimic

Theme Music: "Busted" by Matchbox 20

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 240 lbs.

Alignment: Heel

Physical Description: He changes his appearance slightly to look more like his opponent, but without changing, he has hazel eyes that naturally change (hazelish, greenish, or bluish) depending on light and long dirty blond hair. When he does his "mimics", his eyes are the only think that he doesn't change. He has a nice, solid build with wide shoulders, built like a running back.

Ring Attire: To the ring, he wears a robe, much like ones that a magician would wear during his show. The outside is a royal purple color, decorated with gold-framed mirrors and the inside lining is a light gold color. Underneath the robe, his wrestling attire, is a full length, one piece, two strap pair of tights. They look exactly like the outside of his robe.

Gimmick/Attitude: Define the word "mimic" and you define his gimmick. He can be anything, anyone, and is a master of deception to the eyes. A former illusionist and magician, he can trick the mind into thinking he looks like other people. His attitude shifts depending on who he is fighting. He studies his opponent and becomes him. He used to try to mimic his opponent' s personality precisely but later decided to be more like his younger brother (Parody, aka Lucien Mystil) and use his imitations to mock his opponent. Without shifting, he is admittedly a fame-seeker. He will do whatever it takes in order to gain fame and that means allying himself with anyone. His "alignment" means nothing to him and he accepts boos as well as cheers as signs that he is becoming famous. He is also a bit of an arrogant type of man, always feeling that he can win and doing whatever it takes to do so. The last bit of personality rounding out the Man in the Mirror is his undaunted sarcasm. He can say anything with a straight face and make you realize that he really doesn't mean it. It is his strongest form of verbal assault.

Background: Here

Move List: hurricanrana, figure-four leglock, diving headbutt, ankle-lock submission, German suplex, dragon-screw leg whip, reverse Russian leg sweep, double-arm DDT, Texas cloverleaf submission, fisherman suplex

Finisher: Mime
Finisher Description: Mimic has no finishing move of his own, as he copies his opponent's move and uses it against him. He has practiced long and hard studying all different styles of wrestling, making him capable to use any style of a finisher - to a degree.

Manager Information

Manager's Name: The M&M Minis (David and Samantha Rochet)

Height: David - 3'5", Samantha - 3'2"

Weight: David - 90 lbs., Samantha - 75 lbs.

Description (Physical): The pairing of David and Samantha Rochet is quite an odd one. They're a married couple of midgets. Aside from the small stature, they look like normal people. David has coal black hair that is cut short and a pair of sparkling hazel eyes that are nearly as impressive as Mimic's. Samantha has beautiful blue eyes and fairly short blond hair.

Attitude/Gimmick: The Minis met Mimic while working in Las Vegas. Mimic was a pretty well known magician and the minis were a bit of a comical sideshow. The two teamed up to make a funny magic act that was very popular. When Mimic left the magic scene to become a wrestler, the Minis were stranded and worked with Barnum and Bailey's Circus for a little bit. Mimic called them up to play a part in a skit mocking the Sharpe (Rob, Rachel, and Darren) family and decided to keep them on his permanent payroll afterwards. They mostly appear in Mimic's skits to play secondary roles but will occasionally show up on shows just to have some fun and cause a little duress. They're a very fun-loving couple and they're quite an addition to Mimic's arsenal of sarcasm and imitation.

Copyright 2001 Falling Star Productions.