Handler Info

Name: Brendan Rogers

E-mail Address: Brendan

AIM: SicknessOfPsyche

Wrestler Information

Name: Michael Matthews

Alignment: Tweener

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 246 lbs.

Hometown: South Trenton, New Jersey

Theme Song: "Ordinary Story" by In Flames

Gimmick: Mentally distressed, Michael Matthews has been roaming psychologists' offices up and down the east coast for years. Wrestling was supposed to be the cure, but it only made it worse. Matthews lives entirely in his own world, it seems. Matthews often is directionless, with no motive in life and doesn't seem to care. At 28, he's yet to settle down with a woman. Though he would never admit it, Matthews is egotistical and ignorant, but possesses an intelligence unmatched by many. Part time skitzophrenic, part time delusional.. who knows where his psyche takes him next?

Background: Wrestling for years now, in and out of the underground circuit before fully committing to NWC. He stayed in HIW with what was known as the "new wave" of the Crimson Riot, which crumbled quickly. Matthews was perhaps the only good thing to come out of that, in that he went on to win the Tropical Storm Champion. Soon after, he won NWC gold, becoming the 3rd United States Champion in NWC history. After losing the title, Matthews disappeared for almost a year, doing what, no one knows.

Appearance: Somewhat different than when Matthews was last seen on NWC television. The hair has been cropped into a messy, curly 'fro that protrudes about five inches from his head. A ragged goatee, often braided in three thin braids, make up his only facial hair. Eyes are still entrenched in deep eyesockets, a slightly dark complexion is evident around his eyes. This being so, Michael Matthews is considerably more well kept than before. His body is a bit more toned than it used to, more definition accompanying his bicep and abdomen, but he is still lean and built as an agile brawler.

Ring Attire: Standard, full lower-body wrestling tights. Wrists taped up in black. Black wrestling boots with white laces make up Matthews attire in the ring.

Top Ten Favorite Moves:

Running Knee Lift
Brainbuster Suplex
Cross Arm Breaker
Canadian Backbreaker
Double Dragonscrew
Running Powerbomb
Roundhouse Kick
Release German Suplex
Hanging Vertical Suplex
Inverted DDT

Specialty Moves:
Implant DDT

"Minute of Decay" [Reverse Russian Legsweep]