Name: Joel Casser

E-Mail: Joel Casser

AIM: lloydhammer


Wrestler: The Machine

Height/Weight: 5'7" / 180 lbs

Alignment (face, heel, neutral): neutral

Wrestling Style: Combination of high flyer, martial arts, and submission

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Music: "War Machine" by 7th Heaven

Appearance: The Machine typically wears a grey or black pair of karate pants, tied up around the waist with a red sash. This is complimented with a tight fitting white t-shirt, occasionally with some print on it. He wears a regular pair of black wrestling boots. His wrists are usually taped up with white tape, and wears no other padding. And to top it all off, The Machine is always wearing his mask. The mask is all white with a black face. There are two white spots for the eyes, and a fine mesh over where the mouth is, but it all blends in so it looks like one solid piece of material.

Background: No one really knows much about The Machine's history outside of wrestling. He has a long background in the martial arts, which he used to help in his training in the lucha-libre style of professional wrestling. He honed his skills in Mexico and Japan before a brief stint in SCCW.

Attitude/Gimmick: The Machine sees himself as something more than human, a being of such a high level that the rest of humanity can never hope to attain. He has absolutely no respect for most people, and even less for anyone that shows any signs of weakness. And he always talks about himself in the third person.

Favorite Moves: Grand Octopus Hold, Machine Suplex (Pinning chickenwing suplex), leg lariat, stardust press, double-arm ddt, high flipping dropkick, globe kick, broken arrow crash, dolphin-rana, arm dragon screw


Torpedo Kick - Thrusting Side Kick. If you've seen Bruce Lee's "Enter The Dragon", think of the thrusting side kick that Bruce Lee put into O'Hara in the tournament.

Copyright 2001 Falling Star Productions.