ST: What? This match wasn’t booked! We do not have time for this match on our show.
JH: There is always time for a match like this Schaef.
ST: They’re both little goody goodies. I bet neither one of them is man enough to hit the other with a chair.
JO: And now introducing the challenger….. weighing in at 247 pounds, Ryan "STREAK" Stephens!!!
JH: You can tell he’s glad to be back in action Schaef.
ST: I wish Ricky Masters would Stephens a big dosage of HATE.
JH: Masters is giving everyone some HATE lately. You must admit Stephens appears to be in top form this evening considering he wasn’t anticipating wrestling this match.
ST: [blah] I wasn’t anticipating watching it either.
JO: And now the Ohio River Champion, weighing in at 245, GUUUAAARRRDDDIIIIANNNNN AAANNNNGGEELLLLL!
["Raise your Glasses" by KISS blares throughout the arena as GA comes bursting through the curtains. He receives a similar fan reaction to that of Stephens. He’s wearing his black cargo pants, accompanied as always by the shiny black boots and the black trench coat. He slaps a few hands, but reaches the ring in a fairly quick manner. He climbs in and makes his way to his corner, eyeing Stephens the whole time.]
ST: I know what’s going through his head. Stephens spanked that ass last time.
JH: Guardian Angel has matured as a wrestler since then Schaef. I mean look at that beast. He looks like the epitome of a warrior.
ST: The thing that scares me is their eyes, both of them, they look like they’re in love staring at each other like that.
JH: I’m going to go out on a limb and claim that’s intensity. Those two have two of the most intense glares I believe I’ve ever seen.
ST: [sarcastically] They’re in love. This should be a doozy!
JH: The two wrestlers lock up in the middle of the ring. At virtually the exact same size it will be interesting as to who will break it first.
ST: Break it? Are you kidding? They’re hugging each other.
JH: Will you cut that shit out Schaef?
ST: What?
JH: [sighs] Guardian Angel is forcing Streak to the corner where he shoves his knee in Stephens gut. Stephens winces and GA throws him into the ropes, and connects with a running clothesline on the return.
ST: That hurt!
JH: Angel scoops him up and executes a scoop slam, followed quickly by a leg drop.
ST: Perhaps Guardian Angel got tired of Stephens staring at him. I used to get mad in Junior High when kids stared at me.
JH: You were too afraid to do anything about it though.
ST: No I wasn’t!
JH: Angel helps Stephens to his feet and quickly goes to work with punches to the midsection.
ST: Good technique, trying to take some of the air out of Stephens so he won’t blow on the back of his neck.
JH: [ignoring Tolliver’s remark] Angel once again throws Stephens, this time to the opposite corner turnbuckle.
ST: Here it comes…
JH: Angel following him in, Stephens catches himself. He propels himself over GA who crashes into the turnbuckle. Stephens rolls him up with a cradle for a cover…
ST: [hmph] Kicks out with ease!
JH: Stephens to his feet, Angel to his feet. Stephens lands a drop-kick and then another. He’s an explosive wrestler!
ST: "TNT" Devin Blaster…Now he was explosive.
JH: GA is down, and Stephens runs towards the ropes, sunset flip, what a beauty.
ST: A two hundred and forty seven pound guy does not look nearly as graceful doing that as a one hundred eighty pound guy. v JH: What does that have to do with anything Schaef?
[Tolliver shrugs]
JH: Stephens aids GA in getting to his feet and the begins to wail away on him, but GA ducks a right hand and lands a right of his own in the midsection of Stephens. Now they’re trading blows.
ST: GA ducks!
JH: Head up there by Angel. He ducked that punch, wrapped Stephens up from behind and delivered a crushing belly to back suplex to swing the momentum in his direction.
ST: Pretty smart move for someone who isn’t conniving and ruthless like my good bud Ricky Masters.
JH: Get off his nuts.
ST: Excuse me?
JH: You’ve been riding Masters’ nuts all night! You’re going to get wear him out before he even steps into the ring with Clark.
ST: That’s not funny Jimmy!
JH: GA with a Samoan drop, and he’s gonna go ahead and make a cover here.
ST: A two count without stringing together much offense. Looks like GA is going to make this series 1-1 after all.
JH: Obvious sign of Stephens being a little rusty I would think.
ST: He’s a big boy Jimmy, stop making excuses for him.
JH: GA applies an arm-bar and everyone in the arena can see the pain on Stephens’ face.
ST: He’s tired already? Only nanny’s that get tired really fast apply arm-bars this early in the match.
JH: Who died and made you the wrestling God of Knowledge.
ST: You’re fixing to die if you don’t shut up and stop belittling me Howard.
JH: GA now breaks the hold and picks up Stephens.
ST: Uh-oh, hear comes the running powerbomb.
JH: Also known as Guardian Angel’s Doomsday Device. He’s running, wait, Stephens has the legs hooked around GA’s neck. Huricanrana! Huricanrana!
ST: [applauds] I must admit, one helluva counter there.
JH: But it’s short lived Tolliver. GA virtually no selled and now he’s pounding away at Stephens!
ST: The crowd is liking it almost as much as me Howard. Will you listen to them?
JH: I am listening to them, but they’re not cheering for GA. They’re cheering because Scott Easton is on his way to the ring with a chair.
ST: YES!! Finally, I’m going to get to see some blood tonight.
JH: Easton is obviously frustrated after his earlier loss, and it seems as though he wants to take it out on one of these guys.
ST: Or better yet, BOTH!!
JH: Easton now entering the ring with the chair. The referee is trying to get him out of there. He should throw this one out.
ST: No way, this is totally legit.
JH: He swings at a staggering Stephens.
ST: Stephens was dazed two seconds ago, but that close call woke him up. He turns and looks at GA.
JH: Easton smelling opportunity swings at Stephens, but he ducks and then spears Easton and takes the chair from him.
ST: Hit him with it! Hit him with it!
JH: Stephens tosses the chair from the ring, as Easton makes a mad dash for the back.
ST: Well at least capitalize and pin him you moron.
JH: Stephens doesn’t work like that Schaef and you should know that by now.
ST: He’s shaking his head, the nanny is not going to pin him. Wait…
JH: Stephens in obvious disgust, and respect for GA seems very hesitant to pin him. Finally, now it seems he’s made a cover!
JO: And your winner and new champion via pinfall…. RYAN "STREAK" STEPHENS!!
ST: The referee is trying to raise Stephens hand, but he won’t let him. He’s calling for a mic.
JH: A ringside attendant has just tosses Stephens a mic. Let’s hear what he has to say!
Streak: First of all, I want to apologize to Guardian Angel. [who is now coming to his senses] That is not at all the way I wanted the match to end; however, I had to win this match and the Ohio River Championship in order to ascend in the ranks of TSW. I have no intentions of keeping this belt, and because you fought me long and hard you deserve to hold onto this.
[Stephens hands the belt he just won back to Guardian Angel. Guardian Angel is still awfully perturbed however he takes the belt from Stephens, and mutters something to him before standing and leaving the ring.]
Streak: Unfortunately Guardian Angel couldn’t stay any longer. He has to go whip Scott Easton’s ass or something to that extent.
[The fans erupt both in laughter and applause.]
Streak: I respect the battle Guardian Angel has given me here this evening. I hope sincerely that he has whipped me back into shape and in doing so helped me prepare for my ascension to the top of TSW. At this time I have yet to speak to Mr. Von Glatz regarding my agenda for next week. Perhaps I will have a match, or maybe not. Either way I intend to cut a promo or something within the next week or so. In closing, it’s great to be back in action in front of all you adoring fans!
ST: What a loser!
JH: A loser that just won his 5th NWC title ever. A loser is 6-0 in PCW/TSW. A loser that is rapidly climbing the ladder to the to the top of TSW.
ST: So you mean to tell me that he just won the Ohio River Valley Title, and just dropped it back to GA, and now he has to pursue the Profitt Memorial Title, win it, and drop it as well?
JH: [hesitates] I think that’s what Mr. Glatz said. He has to win each TSW singles title in their rightful order.
ST: Can he have matches in between? Can he lose and try again at a later date? How does all this work?
JH: How the hell should I know? I don’t come up with these things! Why don’t you ask your friend Ricky Masters?
ST: That was low Jimmy.
JH: No, it would have been low if I had said, “Why don’t you ask your friend Ricky Masters, once you get his balls off your chin.”
Schaef begins spluttering in rage as we fade to our next commercial.