## This is the first day of my last days ##



No real fanfare other then the explosion. Damien Newcastle stands at the top of the ramp, his freshly shaved head gleaming in the lights. His cold eyes are focused on the center of the ring. His pants are dark purple and his boots black as the darkest night.

## I built it up now I take it ##
## Apart climbed up real ##
## High now fall down real far ##
## No need for me to stay the last thing left I just threw it away ##
## I put my faith in god and my trust in you ##
## Now there's nothing more fucked up I could do ##

Newcastle pounds his chest with his fists and then throws his arms into the air middle fingers extended.

## Wish there was something real wish there was something true ## ## Wish there was something real in this world full of you ##

Newcastle begins to stomp to the ring. The phrase 'walking with a purpose' never more aptly applied.

##I'm the one without a soul I'm the one with this big fucking hole##
##No new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell##
##Gotta listen to your big time hard line bad luck fist fuck##
##Don't think you're having all the fun##
##You know me I hate everyone##

Newcastle enters the ring by stepping over the top rope.


Immediately the Rupp Arena rises to its collective feet as "5 Minutes Alone" by Pantera blasts out into the arena. The screen comes alive with alternating images of Sam Bishop wrestling in SCCW, and his name in blood red goth style letters.

##I see you had your mind all made up you group of pitiful liars.##
## Before I woke to face the day, your master plan transpired.##
##-Something told me- this job had more to meet the eye.##
## My song is not believed? My words somewhat deceiving? Now I'm unwhole.##
##You've waged a war of nerves#
##But you can't crush the kingdom##

From the back, Sam Bishop slowly walks out onto the ramp. Wearing his trademark flametoed Doc Marten's and a pair of baggy khaki cargo pants. He stops and looks out from side to side before starting down the ramp.

##Can't be what your idols are. Can't leave the scar.##
##You cry for compensation. I ask you please just give us...##
##5 minutes alone##
##I read your eyes, your mind was made up. You took me for a fool.##
##You used complexion of my skin for a counter Rascist tool.##

Bishop walks down the ramp with a look of determination in his eyes. He eyes never leaving Newcastle's. He works his arms, loosening up as he makes his way down.

##You can't burn me. I've spilled my guts out##
##In the past. Taken advantage of because you know where##
##I've come [from]. My past.##

Bishop slides into the ring and stands with his arms raised to his sides in a crucifix stance as he stares down Damien Newcastle.

##You've waged a war of nerves##
##But you can't crush the kingdom##
##Can't be what your idols are. Can't leave the scar.##
##You cry for compensation. I ask you please just give us...##
##5 minutes alone##

Bishop lowers his arms as he slowly advances to the middle of the ring. Waiting for the bell, Bishop slowly begins pacing back and forth. His eyes never leave Newcastle.

JH: There's the bell, and the two men lock up immediately. Newcastle with the quick side headlock on Bishop. Bishop pushes Newcastle off, and face first into the ropes. Bishop with a quick forearm shot to Newcastle's lower back. Newcastle stumbles, but shakes it off imediately.

ST: The two men are right back face to face Jimmy. There are a lot of words being exchanged in there right now. Newcastle is laughing at him!

JH: Not anymore. Bishop just caught him with a quick right hand out of nowhere. Followed by another, and another. Newcastle is backed up into the corner. Quick knee lift to the stomach by Bishop. Bishop pulls Newcastle from the corner and snaps him over with a quick suplex. Bishop is up quick, and right back on Newcastle who was slower to his feet. Again Bishop with some quick right hands right to the face of Newcastle.

ST: We know Newcastle has no respect for Bishop, but right from the get go it's been Bishop showing Newcastle everything but respect.

JH: You've got that right Schaef. Bishop has brought a load of intensity with him tonight. Bishop throws Newcastle to the ropes and catches him with a nice spinning heel kick, dropping Newcastle flat on his back. Bishop is quickly over Newcastle and drops on him with a flury of punches. Bishop gets up off of Newcastle and pulls him to his feet.

ST: Oh man! Bishop got no thanks for helping him up. Newcastle almost decapitated him with a sickening short arm clothesline. The big man just got right back into this match.

JH: Newcastle grabs Bishop and throws him into the corner. Newcastle charges in and lays a clothesline right across Bishops neck again. Bishop has nowhere to go but down as he slumps to the canvas. Newcastle drags Bishop back up and gives Bishop some hard punches of his own. Newcastle takes a few steps back and charges Bishop with another clothesline in the corner. Bishop falls to the side slumped over the top rope. Newcastle quickly grabs the top rope and flings Bishop backward to the mat.

ST: Newcastle wants revenge for a previous loss to Bishop, a loss that he calls a fluke. He is bringing it swiftly now.

JH: He sure is, and with power too. Newcastle bounces off of the ropes and drops an elbow across the chest of Bishop. Newcastle up, raising Bishop up as well. Newcastle hoists Bishop straight up over his head with a huge press.

ST: This is going to hurt Jimmy.

JH: Damn! I don't know if hurt is the word for it, as Newcastle just dropped Bishop over the top rope and out to the floor.

ST: Sickening! Now that's what I like to see!!

JH: Newcastle drops out of the ring and stands over Bishop. He raises his arms and extends his middle fingers to the crowd who react with a loud chorus of boos.

ST: Classic!

JH: Newcastle drops to his knees and grips his hands around Bishops throat. The referee who had just began a ten count drops out of the ring immediately to try and break the choke hold. Newcastle breaks the choke, and pulls Bishop up and throws him directly into the ring post. Newcastle wastes no time in laying the boots to the fallen Bishop. The referee still trying to get Newcastle to go back in the ring.

ST: Newcastle is just doing what he gets paid for. Let the man go to work.

JH: Newcastle has finally had enough of the referees persistence and rolls Bishop back in to the ring. Bishop looks in bad shape right now, and I think that post shot may have busted his head open slightly.

ST: I think you're right. And Newcastle is obviously aware of the fact.

JH: Newcastle back in the ring now as well, and drops a knee across the forehead of Bishop. Newcastle on his kees driving his fist into Bishops forhead. This is the revenge he wants Schaef.

ST: You're damn right it is, payment in full is the only kind.

JH: Bishop is out of it and Newcastle goes for the pin. The referee drops.



JH: Bishop with a surprisingly strong kickout, and Newcastle shows a bit of anger. Newcastle grabs Bishop and pulls him up. Newcastle hoists Bishop up, and drives him right back down with a powerful gutwrench powerbomb. Newcastle goes for the pin again.



JH: NO! Bishop just slid out of that one.

ST: It took all he had for that one. The man is in great shape, but he probably can't take much more. And Newcastle looks to be pulling out the heavy stuff now.

JH: Newcastle shows his annoyance by driving more fists into the forehead of Bishop. He is opened up pretty good now, and the blood begins to cover his face as well. Newcastle gets up, and goes for the corner.

ST: He's giving the crowd the full salute this time. The crowd really does not like this guy. I definately do though!

JH: Newcastle climbs to the top turnbuckle, and stands up. He leaps off going for a swan dive headbutt.


JH: All three hundred and thirty pounds of Newcastle came crashing down hard that time. Both men are down, but Bishop showing some positive signs of life now. He wipes some of the blood from his face as he gets to his feet. Newcastle is back up as well. Newcastle charges, but is met with superkick right to the jaw.

ST: Appropriately enough he calls it the Salvation.

JH: Bishop goes for the pin as he has quickly turned things around in this match. The ref is in position.



JH: Not this time, but Bishop looks like he expected it and is quickly back on his feet. He pulls Newcastle up and straight into a cradle suplex. They hit the mat and Bishop holds Newcastle's leg tight while brindging his shoulders. The referee slides in for the pin attempt.



ST: Bishop was so close, but he just couldn't hold on to the leg and Newcastle powered out of the pin.

JH: Bishop is up again, and grabs Newcastle's legs. It looks like he is going for Redepmtion, his version of the scorpion deathlock. Yes! He has it locked.

ST: Not for long, Newcastle was too close to the ropes and still has enough wits about him to grab hold.

JH: The referee makes Bishop break the hold, but he is quickly on Newcastle again pulling him up. Bishop throws Newcastle's right arm over his shoulder and hooks his right leg and snaps him over with a beautiful t-bone suplex. Bishop up, and makes his way to the corner. He climbs the ropes, and jumps off.

ST: NOBODY HOME! Bishop misses the elbow drop. Neither men having any luck with the high flying tonight Jimmy!

JH: It's called high risk for a reason. Both men still down, slow to get up. Newcastle looks like he'll be the first up, Bishop slowly to his feet next. Newcastle in behind Bishop and hits a spinebuster. Bishop down on his hands and knees, feeling the effects of that one. He is slow to get up again. Newcastle in behind Bishop again, and Bishop stands up directly into a full nelson.

ST: Newcastle going for a Sundowner!

JH: No! Bishop slipped out of the hold and quickly reverses into a full nelson of his own. He quickly releases one arm and spins Newcastle right into a DDT!!!


JH: Bishop rolls onto Newcastle and hooks the leg tight with the referee quickly in position




JH: This one is over. Sam Bishop with a big win tonight.

Bishop stands and raises his arms, blood covering his face. The crowd cheers with approval.

ST: Damien Newcastle may have been too focused on revenge, and not enough on how to win the match.

JH: Maybe, maybe.

Once again we cut to the back.

Shot of Stephens backstage. He no longer as the holding the duffel bag so we assume that he changed plans and threw his stuff in his locker before going to talk to President Sigurd. Stephens knocks on a door labeled Glatz with a gold plate. President Sigurd Glatz’s voice with a thick Russian accent answers…

Sigurd Von Glatz: Come in!

Stephens turns the knob and enters the room. Seeing as how the room is only set up for Glatz for this particular show, there is not much furniture in it. There is a large mahogany near the far corner of the room. Off to one side is a small couch. President Glatz is sitting behind the desk. He motions for Stephens to sit down on the couch, and he does.

SG: So nice of you to join me Mr. Stephens!

Streak: I was told you wanted to speak with me.

SG: [with a very calm demeanor] You were told right Mr. Stephens. I was going to talk to you about what I have planned for you here in TSW. I was watching your interview with Mr. Mills earlier and to be honest with you, I am not capable of what you can do. I only know what I’ve heard from others. I’ve heard you are one hell of a wrestler [he pauses] sometimes.

Streak: [somewhat flabbergasted] Sometimes?

SG: Yes indeed. I’ve heard that sometimes you’re virtually unbeatable and other times you could not dismantle the most lowly of jobbers. From what I can tell you are obviously all about working hard and earning your stature within this company; however, because you’ve been plagued by inconsistency in your NWC career my plan for you is this: In order to become a main eventer in TSW you will have to WIN every single TSW singles title in their respective order.

Streak: [befuddled] So I have to win the Ohio River Championship, then the Profitt Memorial Championship, and then the Tri-State Championship in successive order?

SG: That is correct!

Streak: I must admit that I’m not very fond of the idea, but if that is what it takes to get to the top, then that is exactly what I’m going to do! When do I start?


Streak: You can’t be serious? Tonight I have to face Guardian Angel!? I’m not prepared for a match like that tonight! Perhaps a tune up match or something is in store before I have to go up against GA. He’s a pretty solid wrestler.

SG: I suggest that you go get dressed. You will fight Guardian Angel after the Azual match with Siobohan.

Streak: Is GA aware of this?

SG: I told him about it when he arrived tonight. Streak stands up and makes his way towards the door. Von Glatz kind of snickers as Stephens turns and shoots him an icy glare. He opens the door and leaves and we fade to another commercial break.

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